Sales coming up soon

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Dr Jazz
Posts: 565
Joined: Tue Sep 17, 2013 8:49 pm
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Sales coming up soon

Post by Dr Jazz »

Hi Friend

Long time since I was in here and post, I have read some in the past year, and posted a bit.
I have cleaned a bit more out and have some nice models for sale, photos coming soon. Just as a little teaser I can say that there is a 58 bea bus BPW mint/box, 32 red XKJ 140 mint/box, 53 Aston BPW mint/box, 66 Citroen GPW mint/box. But also many more I am working on a list, photos and prices. :)


Dr Jazz
Posts: 565
Joined: Tue Sep 17, 2013 8:49 pm
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Re: Sales coming up soon

Post by Dr Jazz »

Dear Friends

I have taken pictures of the models I will sell. I allway offer them to members first, then they go on Ebay. Here is a link to my google album.

I have not made descriptions of the models yet, so what pictures do not show you, you can ask me, just PM me. Prices are all market prices, I usely just use the priceguide from Nick. There are some models that differ a bit. but not much.

I ship to most parts of the world, shipping from Denmark is expensive, so buying more models is a advantage. Later in febuary they will go on ebay. Thank you and as always feel free to ask.

BR Jazz