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K61A Mercedes 350SLC Police Car

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:45 pm
by charliep
K61A Mercedes 350SLC Police Car. Released 1976. All England castings.
Body: Green & white, white or off white.
Base: Silver; Superkings or Speedkings; K-48 or K-61/K-48.
Windows: Amber, dark amber or white.
Wheels: Five arch (5AW) or five spoke (5SW).
Interior: Light yellow, yellow or dark yellow.
Dome lights: Green, amber, greenish blue, blue or dark blue.
Labels: Polizei or Police on side doors; "346" on hood.

1. Wht/grn body/Speedkings K48 sil base/5SW/dk.amb windows/yel int/blu dome lts/(1)Polizei.
2. Wht/grn body/Speedkings K48 sil base/5AW/amber windows/lt.yel int/blu dome lts/(2)Polizei.
3. Wht/grn body/Speedkings K61/K48 sil base/5AW/amber windows/yel int/blu dome lts/(2)Polizei.
4. Wht/grn body/Speedkings K61/K48 sil base/5AW/dk.amb windows/yel int/blu dome lts/(3)Polizei.
5. Wht/grn body/Speedkings K61/K48 sil base/5AW/dk.amb windows/yel int/amb dome lts/(2)Polizei.
6. Wht/grn body/Speedkings K61/K48 sil base/5AW/dk.amb windows/wht int/blu dome lts/(1)Polizei.
7. Wht/grn body/Superkings K61/K48 sil base/5AW/amb windows/yel int/blu dome lts/(1)Polizei.
8. Wht/grn body/Superkings K61/K48 sil base/5AW/dk.amb windows/lt.yel int/grn dome lts/(2)Polizei.
9. Wht body/Speedkings K48 sil base/5SW/amber windows/lt.yel int/blu dome lts/(3)Polizei.
10.Wht body/Speedkings K48 sil base/5SW/dk.amber windows/lt.yel int/blu dome lts/(3)Polizei.
11.Wht body/Speedkings K61/K48 sil base/5SW/amber windows/dk.yel int/blu dome lts/(1)Polizei.
12.Wht body/Speedkings K48 sil base/5SW/amb windows/lt.yel int/blu dome lts/(1)Police.
13.Wht body/Speedkings K61/K48 sil base/5SW/amb windows/lt.yel int/dk.blu dome lts/(2)Police.
14.Off Wht body/Speedkings K61/K48 sil base/5SW/dk.amb windows/lt.yel int/blu dome lts/(1)Police.
15.Wht body/Speedkings K61/K48 sil base/5AW/amb windows/lt.yel int/blu dome lts/(3)Police.
16.Wht body/Speedkings K61/K48 sil base/5AW/dk.amb windows/dk.yel int/blu dome lts/(3)Police.
17.Wht body/Speedkings K61/K48 sil base/5AW/amb windows/lt.yel int/grn dome lts/(1)Police.
18.Wht body/Superkings K61/K48 sil base/5AW/amb windows/lt.yel int/grn/blu dome lts/(1)Police.
19.Wht body/Superkings K61/K48 sil base/5AW/dk.amb windows/yel int/blu dome lts/(3)Police.

Re: K61A Mercedes 350SLC Police Car

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 10:28 pm
by nearlymint
Really stunning collection Charlie, I will have to get my ones out and go through them(nowhere near as many as this)
Here is one I have had a while in with some trial models I bought. The base has K61/K48 with Maltese cross wheels all round and light yellow interior.
P1010001.jpg (81.82 KiB) Viewed 1593 times

Re: K61A Mercedes 350SLC Police Car

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 3:01 pm
by nearlymint
Just added this one with clear windows and white interior, base has super kings on it.
K61.JPG (174.67 KiB) Viewed 1440 times

Re: K61A Mercedes 350SLC Police Car

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:32 pm
by charliep
Hi Jason,

Thanks for posting the two interesting variations. The last one with white interior I have seen but with "Polizei" labels. I like the one with the Maltese cross wheels as well;
I was not aware of either variation.