K13C Aircraft Transporter

Charlie P's stunning King Size and SuperKing model reviews
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Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2014 4:50 am

K13C Aircraft Transporter

Post by charliep »

K13C Aircraft Transporter. Issued 1976. All England castings.

Transporter: Light blue, orangey-red, light red, red, dark red or silver.
Base: K-24, K-13-2 or K-13-2 & K-114.
Base color (front section): Black, yellow or dark red.
Wheels: Maltese Cross.
Axle covers: Tan, gold, green, brown or black. Open or closed.
Windows: Light amber, amber, dark amber, clear, tint or darker tint.
Interior: White, gray or brown.
Headlights: White, translucent white, chrome or gray.
Steering wheel: Small (S.S.) or large (L.S.)
Label on top of cab: "X4", "12" or red stripes.
Cradle: White, red or black.
Aircraft: White or tan.
Cockpit: Clear, tinted, amber or dark amber.
Aircraft body tampo: Red stripes, star or "101".
Aircraft wing labels: "F10" with red or blue stripe.

1. PP/Light blue body/blk base/K-24/gld opn xle cvrs/dk.amb windows/wht int/whit lts/no roof label//wht cradle/wht plane/dk.amber cockpit.
2. PP/Orange-red body/yel- base/K-24/gld opn xle cvrs/amb windows/wht int/wht lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/dk.amb cockpit/"101".
3. Lt.red body/yel base/K-13-2/gld opn xle cvrs/lt.amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
4. Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2/gld opn xle cvrs/lt.amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
5. Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/grn opn xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
6. Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk opn xle cvrs/clr wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
7. Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk opn xle cvrs/tinted wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/dk.amb cockpit/"101".
8. Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk opn xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 label//blk cradle/wht plane/dk.amb cockpit/"101".
9. Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/tan opn xle cvrs/lt.amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl/blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
10.Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/gld opn xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
11.Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/brn opn xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
12.Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk opn xle cvrs/clr wind/gry int/gry lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
13.Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
14.Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk opn xle cvrs/clr wind/brn int/gry lts/S.S./X4 label//blk cradle/wht plane/wht wings/amb cockpit/"101".
15.Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk opn xle cvrs/clr wind/brn int/gry lts/S.S./X4 label//blk cradle/tan plane/wht wings/clr cockpit/"101".
16.Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/clr wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 label//blk cradle/tan plane/tan wings/clr cockpit/"101".
17.Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/tinted windows/wht int/wht lts/S.S./"12"lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
18.Red body/yel base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb windows/wht int/wht lts/S.S./"12"lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/dk.amb cockpit/"101".
19.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/clr wind/wht int/wht lts/S.S/red strps lbl//red cradle/wht plane/clr cockpit/red stripes F10.
20.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/wht lts/S.S./red strps lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/dk.amb cockpit/red stripes F10.
21.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/wht lts/S.S./red stripes lbl//red cradle/wht plane/clr cockpit/red stripes F10.
22.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/wht lts/S.S./red stripes lbl//red cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/red stripes F10.
23.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/tinted wind/wht int/wht lts/L.S./no roof lbl//red cradle/wht plane/clr cockpit/red stripes F10.
24.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/clr windows/wht int/wht lts/S.S./no roof lbl//red cradle/wht plane/tinted cockpit/star & F10.
25.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/tinted wind/wht int/wht lts/S.S./no roof lbl//red cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/red stripes F10.
26.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/dk.tinted wind/wht int/wht lts/S.S./no roof lbl//red cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/red stripes F10.
27.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb windows/wht int/wht lts/S.S./no roof lbl//red cradle/wht plane/clr cockpit/red stripes F10.
28.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/trnslucnt lts/S.S./no roof lbl//red cradle/wht plane/tinted cockpit/red stripes F10.
1. PP/Light blue body/blk base/K-24/gld opn xle cvrs/dk.amb windows/wht int/whit lts/no roof label//wht cradle/wht plane/dk.amber cockpit.
1. PP/Light blue body/blk base/K-24/gld opn xle cvrs/dk.amb windows/wht int/whit lts/no roof label//wht cradle/wht plane/dk.amber cockpit.
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#1.jpg (181.59 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
2. PP/Orange-red body/yel- base/K-24/gld opn xle cvrs/amb windows/wht int/wht lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/dk.amb cockpit/"101".
2. PP/Orange-red body/yel- base/K-24/gld opn xle cvrs/amb windows/wht int/wht lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/dk.amb cockpit/"101".
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#2.jpg (196.81 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
3. Lt.red body/yel base/K-13-2/gld opn xle cvrs/lt.amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
3. Lt.red body/yel base/K-13-2/gld opn xle cvrs/lt.amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#3.jpg (184.25 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
4. Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2/gld opn xle cvrs/lt.amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
4. Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2/gld opn xle cvrs/lt.amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#4.jpg (183.2 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
5. Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/grn opn xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
5. Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/grn opn xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#5.jpg (186.79 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
6. Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk opn xle cvrs/clr wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
6. Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk opn xle cvrs/clr wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#6.jpg (186.39 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
7. Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk opn xle cvrs/tinted wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/dk.amb cockpit/"101".
7. Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk opn xle cvrs/tinted wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/dk.amb cockpit/"101".
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#7.jpg (188.73 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
8. Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk opn xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 label//blk cradle/wht plane/dk.amb cockpit/"101".
8. Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk opn xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 label//blk cradle/wht plane/dk.amb cockpit/"101".
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#8.jpg (185.68 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
9. Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/tan opn xle cvrs/lt.amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl/blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
9. Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/tan opn xle cvrs/lt.amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl/blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#9.jpg (191.38 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
10.Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/gld opn xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
10.Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/gld opn xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#10.jpg (191.76 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
11.Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/brn opn xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
11.Red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/brn opn xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#11.jpg (199.78 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
12.Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk opn xle cvrs/clr wind/gry int/gry lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
12.Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk opn xle cvrs/clr wind/gry int/gry lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#12.jpg (189.7 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
13.Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
13.Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#13.jpg (191.46 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
14.Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk opn xle cvrs/clr wind/brn int/gry lts/S.S./X4 label//blk cradle/wht plane/wht wings/amb cockpit/"101".
14.Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk opn xle cvrs/clr wind/brn int/gry lts/S.S./X4 label//blk cradle/wht plane/wht wings/amb cockpit/"101".
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#14.jpg (180.68 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
15.Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk opn xle cvrs/clr wind/brn int/gry lts/S.S./X4 label//blk cradle/tan plane/wht wings/clr cockpit/"101".
15.Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk opn xle cvrs/clr wind/brn int/gry lts/S.S./X4 label//blk cradle/tan plane/wht wings/clr cockpit/"101".
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#15.jpg (184.81 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
16.Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/clr wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 label//blk cradle/tan plane/tan wings/clr cockpit/"101".
16.Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2 & K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/clr wind/wht int/chrm lts/S.S./X4 label//blk cradle/tan plane/tan wings/clr cockpit/"101".
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#16.jpg (196.37 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
17.Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/tinted windows/wht int/wht lts/S.S./"12"lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
17.Dk.red body/yel base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/tinted windows/wht int/wht lts/S.S./"12"lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/"101".
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#17.jpg (195.43 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
18.Red body/yel base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb windows/wht int/wht lts/S.S./"12"lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/dk.amb cockpit/"101".
18.Red body/yel base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb windows/wht int/wht lts/S.S./"12"lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/dk.amb cockpit/"101".
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#18.jpg (186.16 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
19.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/clr wind/wht int/wht lts/S.S/red strps lbl//red cradle/wht plane/clr cockpit/red stripes F10.
19.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/clr wind/wht int/wht lts/S.S/red strps lbl//red cradle/wht plane/clr cockpit/red stripes F10.
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#19.jpg (186.4 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
20.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/wht lts/S.S./red strps lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/dk.amb cockpit/red stripes F10.
20.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/wht lts/S.S./red strps lbl//blk cradle/wht plane/dk.amb cockpit/red stripes F10.
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#20.jpg (195.45 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
21.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/wht lts/S.S./red stripes lbl//red cradle/wht plane/clr cockpit/red stripes F10.
21.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/wht lts/S.S./red stripes lbl//red cradle/wht plane/clr cockpit/red stripes F10.
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#21.jpg (198.2 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
22.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/wht lts/S.S./red stripes lbl//red cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/red stripes F10.
22.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/wht lts/S.S./red stripes lbl//red cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/red stripes F10.
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#22.jpg (191.58 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
23.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/tinted wind/wht int/wht lts/L.S./no roof lbl//red cradle/wht plane/clr cockpit/red stripes F10.
23.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/tinted wind/wht int/wht lts/L.S./no roof lbl//red cradle/wht plane/clr cockpit/red stripes F10.
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#23.jpg (190.37 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
24.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/clr windows/wht int/wht lts/S.S./no roof lbl//red cradle/wht plane/tinted cockpit/star & F10.
24.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/clr windows/wht int/wht lts/S.S./no roof lbl//red cradle/wht plane/tinted cockpit/star & F10.
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#24.jpg (191.96 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
25.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/tinted wind/wht int/wht lts/S.S./no roof lbl//red cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/red stripes F10.
25.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/tinted wind/wht int/wht lts/S.S./no roof lbl//red cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/red stripes F10.
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#25.jpg (189.52 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
26.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/dk.tinted wind/wht int/wht lts/S.S./no roof lbl//red cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/red stripes F10.
26.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/dk.tinted wind/wht int/wht lts/S.S./no roof lbl//red cradle/wht plane/amb cockpit/red stripes F10.
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#26.jpg (192.64 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
27.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb windows/wht int/wht lts/S.S./no roof lbl//red cradle/wht plane/clr cockpit/red stripes F10.
27.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb windows/wht int/wht lts/S.S./no roof lbl//red cradle/wht plane/clr cockpit/red stripes F10.
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#27.jpg (184.36 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
28.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/trnslucnt lts/S.S./no roof lbl//red cradle/wht plane/tinted cockpit/red stripes F10.
28.Sil body/dk.red base/K-13-2/K-114/blk clsd xle cvrs/amb wind/wht int/trnslucnt lts/S.S./no roof lbl//red cradle/wht plane/tinted cockpit/red stripes F10.
K13C Aircraft Transporter var#28.jpg (192.36 KiB) Viewed 3572 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter small or large steering wheels.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter small or large steering wheels.jpg (188.68 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter  white or translucent white headlights.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter white or translucent white headlights.jpg (192.63 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter headlight variations.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter headlight variations.jpg (243.51 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter red or blue stripe.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter red or blue stripe.jpg (219.39 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter white aircraft variations.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter white aircraft variations.jpg (230.83 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter cradle variations.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter cradle variations.jpg (213.09 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter with tan aircraft.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter with tan aircraft.jpg (230.18 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter red with #12 label variations pic#1.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter red with #12 label variations pic#1.jpg (220.65 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter red with #12 label variations pic#2.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter red with #12 label variations pic#2.jpg (214.79 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter roof label variations.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter roof label variations.jpg (227.78 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter light red, red or darker red.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter light red, red or darker red.jpg (235.71 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter red X4 variations.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter red X4 variations.jpg (243.65 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter silver body no label window variations.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter silver body no label window variations.jpg (241.54 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter silver body variations with roof label.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter silver body variations with roof label.jpg (249.13 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter silver body variations without roof label.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter silver body variations without roof label.jpg (220.29 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter  with or without K114.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter with or without K114.jpg (216.78 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter prepro base variations.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter prepro base variations.jpg (221.94 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter variations of axle covers.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter variations of axle covers.jpg (253.28 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter box pic#1.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter box pic#1.jpg (252.67 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter box pic#2.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter box pic#2.jpg (227.67 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter group pic#1.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter group pic#1.jpg (291.37 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter group pic#2.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter group pic#2.jpg (275.93 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter group pic#3.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter group pic#3.jpg (292.13 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
K13C Aircraft Transporter group pic#4.jpg
K13C Aircraft Transporter group pic#4.jpg (303.77 KiB) Viewed 3573 times
Last edited by charliep on Sat Jan 19, 2019 1:29 am, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 12249
Joined: Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:12 pm

Re: K13C Aircraft Transporter


Can I say on behalf of many members, we are witnessing what must be a most complete 'Speed Kings' model collection ever to grace the internet, it is truly an amazing collection and Charlie must be congratulated on all his hard work in putting such a collection together and we all thank Him for bringing it to this forum.

Charlie, you are a star!

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Re: K13C Aircraft Transporter

Post by motorman »

Where does he store it all? :?

"Kill all my demons and my angels will die too"
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Re: K13C Aircraft Transporter

Post by Tito »

Is that the same body that they used on the fire engine?

Nice collection.
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Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2014 4:50 am

Re: K13C Aircraft Transporter

Post by charliep »

Hi GhostHunter,
Thank you for the kind words. It really took a lot of effort and determination to assemble such a collection of superking variations and I am grateful that collectors out there appreciate it. Superkings are under represented and very little material is written about them so it is work in progress as I continue finding and adding variations. My only regrets I have is that I did not embark on this project a few years ago so that Wolfie Ginsburg would have seen it, but due to the nature of my work I could not.

Motorman - the bulk of the superkings are displayed in 16 display cabinets, each one with 8 shelves. It is an awesome sight to see although I am accustomed to it now.

Tito - If you are referring to the K9C Fire Tender, the answer is no.
Last edited by charliep on Sun Nov 13, 2016 2:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: K13C Aircraft Transporter

Post by Tito »

Okay. Thanks.

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Location: Glasgow, Scotland

Re: K13C Aircraft Transporter

Post by motorman »

Charlie, I am sure I am not the only one who would love to see how you display your models. If you are comfortable with the idea we would love to see images of the 16 display cabinets you refer to. :D

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Re: K13C Aircraft Transporter


I agree with Alex, but first we should allow Charlie a long earned rest from all the posting he has been doing. It's not easy ensuring all the pictures are in the right order and the right size, but he has done it so go on Charlie, take a rest, then come back with a picture or Two of your displays if you don't mind.

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Re: K13C Aircraft Transporter

Post by Matchboxer101 »

Red Aircraft Transporter with silver Base
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