K49A Ambulance

Charlie P's stunning King Size and SuperKing model reviews
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K49A Ambulance

Post by charliep »

K49A Ambulance. Issued 1973. All England castings.

Body: Light blue, white or red.
Roof: Dark red, red, or cream.
Base: Matt black, gloss black or cream.
Base legend: Speed Kings or Super Kings.
Wheels: Four spoke.
Windows: Clear, smoked, amber, tinted, dark tinted, light blue or dark blue.
Dome light: Clear, amber, light blue, blue, or dark blue.
Interior: Light yellow, white, red, dark red or cream.
Labels: "Ambulance" or "Malteser Hilfsdienst".

1. Lt.blue body/white roof/black Speedkings base/clear windows/amber dome light/lt.yellow interior/no labels/PP.
2. White body/dk.red roof/matt black Speedkings base/tinted windows/dk.blue dome light/white interior/no labels/PP.
3. White body/red roof/gloss black Speedkings base/clear windows/blue dome light/white interior/ambulance labels.
4. White body/dk.red roof/gloss black Speedkings base/amber windows/blue dome light/dark red interior/ambulance labels.
5. White body/red roof/gloss black Speedkings base/tinted windows/blue dome light/red interior/ambulance labels.
6. White body/dk.red roof/gloss black Speedkings base/lt.blue windows/blue dome light/dk.red interior/ambulance labels.
7. White body/dk.red roof/gloss black Speedkings base/clear windows/blue dome light/dk.red interior/ambulance labels.
8. White body/dk.red roof/gloss black Speedkings base/smoked windows/blue dome light/dk.red interior/ambulance labels.
9. Red body/cream roof/cream Superkings base/tinted windows/clear dome light/cream interior/Malteser Hilfsdienst labels.
10.Red body/cream roof/cream Superkings base/tinted windows/blue dome light/cream interior/Malteser Hilfsdienst labels.
11.Red body/cream roof/cream Superkings base/dk.tinted windows/blue dome light/cream interior/Malteser Hilfsdienst labels.
12.Red body/cream roof/cream Superkings base/lt.blue windows/blue dome light/cream interior/Malteser Hilfsdienst labels.
13.Red body/cream roof/cream Superkings base/dk.blue windows/dk.blue dome light/cream interior/Malteser Hilfsdienst labels.
1. Lt.blue body/white roof/black Speedkings base/clear windows/amber dome light/lt.yellow interior/no labels/PP.
1. Lt.blue body/white roof/black Speedkings base/clear windows/amber dome light/lt.yellow interior/no labels/PP.
K49A Ambulance var#1.jpg (204.27 KiB) Viewed 2272 times
2. White body/dk.red roof/matt black Speedkings base/tinted windows/dk.blue dome light/white interior/no labels/PP.
2. White body/dk.red roof/matt black Speedkings base/tinted windows/dk.blue dome light/white interior/no labels/PP.
K49A Ambulance var#2.jpg (192.23 KiB) Viewed 2272 times
3. White body/red roof/gloss black Speedkings base/clear windows/blue dome light/white interior/ambulance labels.
3. White body/red roof/gloss black Speedkings base/clear windows/blue dome light/white interior/ambulance labels.
K49A Ambulance var#3.jpg (212.9 KiB) Viewed 2272 times
4. White body/dk.red roof/gloss black Speedkings base/amber windows/blue dome light/dark red interior/ambulance labels.
4. White body/dk.red roof/gloss black Speedkings base/amber windows/blue dome light/dark red interior/ambulance labels.
K49A Ambulance var#4.jpg (212.3 KiB) Viewed 2272 times
5. White body/red roof/gloss black Speedkings base/tinted windows/blue dome light/red interior/ambulance labels.
5. White body/red roof/gloss black Speedkings base/tinted windows/blue dome light/red interior/ambulance labels.
K49A Ambulance var#5.jpg (212.52 KiB) Viewed 2272 times
6. White body/dk.red roof/gloss black Speedkings base/lt.blue windows/blue dome light/dk.red interior/ambulance labels.
6. White body/dk.red roof/gloss black Speedkings base/lt.blue windows/blue dome light/dk.red interior/ambulance labels.
K49A Ambulance var#6.jpg (201.13 KiB) Viewed 2272 times
7. White body/dk.red roof/gloss black Speedkings base/clear windows/blue dome light/dk.red interior/ambulance labels.
7. White body/dk.red roof/gloss black Speedkings base/clear windows/blue dome light/dk.red interior/ambulance labels.
K49A Ambulance var#7.jpg (194.69 KiB) Viewed 2272 times
8. White body/dk.red roof/gloss black Speedkings base/smoked windows/blue dome light/dk.red interior/ambulance labels.
8. White body/dk.red roof/gloss black Speedkings base/smoked windows/blue dome light/dk.red interior/ambulance labels.
K49A Ambulance var#8.jpg (199.09 KiB) Viewed 2272 times
9. Red body/cream roof/cream Superkings base/tinted windows/clear dome light/cream interior/Malteser Hilfsdienst labels.
9. Red body/cream roof/cream Superkings base/tinted windows/clear dome light/cream interior/Malteser Hilfsdienst labels.
K49A Ambulance var#9.jpg (205.85 KiB) Viewed 2272 times
10.Red body/cream roof/cream Superkings base/tinted windows/blue dome light/cream interior/Malteser Hilfsdienst labels.
10.Red body/cream roof/cream Superkings base/tinted windows/blue dome light/cream interior/Malteser Hilfsdienst labels.
K49A Ambulance var#10.jpg (216.35 KiB) Viewed 2272 times
11.Red body/cream roof/cream Superkings base/dk.tinted windows/blue dome light/cream interior/Malteser Hilfsdienst labels.
11.Red body/cream roof/cream Superkings base/dk.tinted windows/blue dome light/cream interior/Malteser Hilfsdienst labels.
K49A Ambulance var#11.jpg (220.43 KiB) Viewed 2272 times
12.Red body/cream roof/cream Superkings base/lt.blue windows/blue dome light/cream interior/Malteser Hilfsdienst labels.
12.Red body/cream roof/cream Superkings base/lt.blue windows/blue dome light/cream interior/Malteser Hilfsdienst labels.
K49A Ambulance var#12.jpg (205.53 KiB) Viewed 2272 times
13.Red body/cream roof/cream Superkings base/dk.blue windows/dk.blue dome light/cream interior/Malteser Hilfsdienst labels.
13.Red body/cream roof/cream Superkings base/dk.blue windows/dk.blue dome light/cream interior/Malteser Hilfsdienst labels.
K49A Ambulance var#13.jpg (196.38 KiB) Viewed 2272 times
K49A Ambulance red interiors.jpg
K49A Ambulance red interiors.jpg (216.54 KiB) Viewed 2418 times
K49A Ambulance base variations.jpg
K49A Ambulance base variations.jpg (205.02 KiB) Viewed 2418 times
K49A Ambulance red body windshield variations.jpg
K49A Ambulance red body windshield variations.jpg (228.87 KiB) Viewed 2418 times
K49A Ambulance white body windshield variations.jpg
K49A Ambulance white body windshield variations.jpg (210.4 KiB) Viewed 2418 times
K49A Ambulance with figures.jpg
K49A Ambulance with figures.jpg (193.54 KiB) Viewed 2418 times
K49A Ambulance box.jpg
K49A Ambulance box.jpg (231.09 KiB) Viewed 2418 times
K49A Ambulance group pic #1.jpg
K49A Ambulance group pic #1.jpg (237.96 KiB) Viewed 2418 times
K49A Ambulance group pic #2.jpg
K49A Ambulance group pic #2.jpg (241.86 KiB) Viewed 2418 times
K49A Ambulance group pic #3.jpg
K49A Ambulance group pic #3.jpg (245.04 KiB) Viewed 2418 times
K49A Ambulance group pic #4.jpg
K49A Ambulance group pic #4.jpg (212.91 KiB) Viewed 2418 times
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Joined: Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:03 pm

Re: K49A Ambulance

Post by nearlymint »

Hi Charlie,
K49 with 5 arch wheels, black Superkings base with dark blue windows and red interior.
Check my swaps page(rest has been under construction for years :))
Posts: 628
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2014 4:50 am

Re: K49A Ambulance

Post by charliep »

Another nice find Jason. There seem to be quite a few of these wheel variations on models of that era. Thank you for posting the picture.
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