I've not posted any new stuff for a bit, so thought I'd make up for it by posting some stuff I've got over the last few months.
I'm having a Dinky holiday, so as my Morestone / Budgie collection was looking a bit thin I decided to see what I could find.
Here we go...
Pair of large MC Combos AA and RAC, the AA was my absolute favourite toy as a kid...

Lovely Lewin Sweepmaster, S&D cab I think, same as the dustbin lorry that came to my house as a kid..

Not the best model RM money can buy, but still very cheap mint / boxed...

Loco! I LOVE these, trying to get them all, here's black with decals...

Rarer bronze...

Early red with cast lettering...

I already have a late red with decals, so there's a couple of green versions,light and dark, and a black with cast letters to go now.
Leyland tanker..

Seddon Low loader, without cable drums, but with the Dozer from the International Low loader that I still need...

I've ordered a set of EFE 00 cable drums as they are very like the originals, and will fill in nicely till an original set comes along.
BIG! As in BIG AA Land Rover, real toe breaker if dropped...

These are often missing the doors, or rear tail, luckily this one's complete. (Tailgate won't shut though!)

Posted my other new bits in European.