K17B Scammell Articulated Container Truck
Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 11:43 pm
K17B Scammell Articulated Container Truck. Issued 1974. All England castings.
Cab: White, metallic red, red&blue, blue, dk.blue &white, yellow& black.
Radiator grill: Yellow, dark yellow or black.
Base: White, red silver or black.
Fifth wheel: White, yellow or black; with (WS) or no stopper (NS).
Wheels: Maltese Cross (MCW) or 5 spoke Mag (5SMW).
Axle cover: White, lt.orange, orange, dk.orange, red, tan, gold, brown or black. Also found reversed.
Stacks: Short (s.s.) or long (l.s.).
Windows: Clear or green.
Seats: Light yellow, dark yellow or black.
Trailer color: White, yellow, red, green, blue, dark blue or black.
Trailer connector: Small or large.
Trailer base: Type a. Open area in front of dolly & rear axles; b. Area is filled.
Trailer legend: Lesney (Les) or Matchbox (Mbx).
Trailer axle cover: Green open, tan open, gold open, black open or black closed.
Dolly axle cover: Yellow or black.
Container body: Smooth or ridged.
Container labels: Ginny Dolls, DBP, Deutche Bundespost, Crowe, Penguin, Michelin, 7Up or Gentransco.
Container colors:
a. Light yellow with black top.
b. Yellow with yellow top.
c. Yellow with orange top.
d. Yellow with blue top.
e. Yellow with black top.
f. Dark Yellow with orange top.
g. Dark yellow with blue top.
h. Orange with red top.
i. Orange with blue top.
j. Orange with dark blue top.
k. White with yellow top.
l. White with dark yellow top.
m.White with orange top.
n. White with red top.
o. White with light blue top.
p. White with mid blue top.
q. White with blue top.
r. White with dark blue top.
s.White with dark green top.
t. White with black top.
1. Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ b red Les trl/s.conn/blk opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cont/dk.blu top/Ginny Dolls.
2. Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./wht insrt/org xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ b red Les trl/s.conn/blk opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cont/dk.blu top/Ginny Dolls.
3. Yel cab/blk bas/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b blk Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/yel cntrs & top/DBP.
4. Yel cab/blk bas/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b blk Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/yel cntrs & top/DBP.
5. Yel cab/blk bas/blk gril/l.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b blk Les tlr/s.conn/blk opn xle cvr/blk doly/yel cntr & top/DBP.
6. Yel cab/blk bas/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/5SMW/typ b yel Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/yel cntr &top/Deutsche.
7. Yel cab/blk bas/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/WS/5SMW/typ b yel Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/yel cntr &top/Deutsche.
8. Blu cab/wht bas/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b red Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/lt.blu top/Crowe.
9. Met.red cab/sil bas/yel gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/red top/Crowe.
10. Blu&wht cab/wht bas/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b wht Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/lt.blu top/Penguin.
11.Blu&wht cab/wht bas/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b wht Les tlr/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/lt.blu top/Penguin.
12.Blu cab/wht bas/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b wht Les tlr/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/lt.blu top/Penguin.
13.Blu cab/wht bas/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b wht Les tlr/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/lt.blu top/Penguin.
14.Met.red cab/sil bas/yel gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b red Les tlr/blk opn xle cvr/blk doly/org cntrs/red top/Michelin.
15.Wht cab/sil base/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/red xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/5SMW/typ b grn Les tlr/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.grn top/7Up.
16.Wht cab/sil base/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/red xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/WS/5SMW/typ b grn Les tlr/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.grn top/7Up.
17.Wht cab/sil base/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/5SMW/typ b grn Les tlr/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.grn top/7Up.
18.Wht cab/sil base/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/WS/5SMW/typ b grn Mbx tlr/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.grn top/7Up.
19.Wht cab/wht base/blk gril/s.s./wht insrt/red xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/5SMW/typ b grn Mbx tlr/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.grn top/7Up.
20.Met.red cab/sil bas/yel gril/l.s./red insrt/wht xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht smt cntrs/blu top/Gentr.
21.Dk.met.red cab/sil bas/yel gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b red Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht smt cntrs/mid blu top/Gentr.
22.Met.red cab/sil bas/yel grill/l.s./wht insrt/org xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/blk top/Gentr.
23.Met.red cab/sil bas/yel grill/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/tan opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/blk top/Gentr.
24.Met.red cab/sil bas/yel gril/l.s./wht insrt/org xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk doly/yel cntrs/blk top/Gentr.
25.Met.red cab/sil bas/yel gril/l.s./wht insrt/dk.org xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk doly/yel cntrs/blk top/Gentr.
26.Red&blu cab/red bas/blk gril/s.s.blk/Hoch &Tief/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b red Les tlr/s.conn/blk opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
27.Red&blu cab/red bas/blk gril/s.s.blk/Hoch &Tief/blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b red Les tlr/s.conn/blk opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
28.Yel&wht cab/sil base/blk gril/s.s./blk xle cvr f.aft/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b dk.blu Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/dk.yel cntrs/org top/Gentr.
29.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s./blk xle cvr f.aft/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b dk.blu Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/dk.yel cntrs/org top/Gentr.
30.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s./blk xle cvr f.aft/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b red Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.yel top/Gentr.
31.Met.red cab sil base/yel gril/s.s./blk xle cvr f.aft/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b red Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/yel top/Gentr.
32.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s./blk xle cvr f.aft/red insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/s.conn/tan opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/org top/Gentr.
33.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./lt.org xle cvr f.aft/wht insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/s.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk doly/org cntrs/blu top/Gentr.
34.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./org xle cvr f.aft/wht insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/tan opn xle cvr/blk doly/org cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
35.Met.red cab/sil bas/yel gril/l.s./wht xle cvr f.aft/wht insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/tan opn xle cvr/blk doly/yel containers/blu top/Gentr.
36.Met.red cab/sil bas/yel gril/s.s./gld xle cvr f.fwd/red insrt/wht 5th whl/WS/MCW/grn wind/typ a red Les tlr/s.conn/tan opn xle cvr/blk doly/yel cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
37.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./org xle cvr f.fwd/wht insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/tan opn xle cvr/blk doly/yel cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
38.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./org xle cvr f.fwd/wht insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/tan opn xle cvr/blk doly/dk.yel cntrs/blu top/Gentr.
39 Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s./gld xle cvr f.aft/no insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ a Les red tlr/s.conn/tan opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/red top/Gentr.
40.Blu cab/yel base/yel gril/s.s./blk xle cvr f.aft/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/s.conn/blk opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.yel top/Gentransco.
41.Blu cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s./blk xle cvr f.aft/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b blu Les tlr/s.conn/blk opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/blu top/Gentransco.
42.Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk gril/s.s./blk xle cvr f.aft/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b blu Les tlr/s.conn/clsd blk xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/blu top/Gentransco.
43.Met.red cab/sil base/blk gril/l.s./org xle cvr f.fwd/wht insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/s.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/md.blu top/Gentr.
44.Met.red cab/sil base/blk gril/l.s./org xle cvr f.aft/yel insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/s.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/blu top/Gentr.
45.Met.red cab/sil base/blk gril/s.s./org xle cvr f.fwd/red insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/s.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk dolly/wht cntrs/blu top/Gentr.
46.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./org xle cvr f.aft/wht insrt/yel 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/tan opn xle cvr/yel doly/wht cntrs/md.blu top/Gentr.
47.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./dk.org xle cvr f.aft/wht insrt/yel 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/tan opn xle cvr/yel doly/wht cntrs/blu top/Gentr.
48.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./tan xle cvr f.aft/wht insrt/yel 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/tan opn xle cvr/yel doly/wht cntrs/blu top/Gentr.
49.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./org xle cvr f.fwd/red insrt/yel 5th whl/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/tan opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
50.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./dk.org xle cvr f.aft/wht insrt/yel 5th whl/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/tan opn xle cvr/yel doly/wht cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
51.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./lt.org xle cvr f.fwd/no insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/s.conn/tan opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
52.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s./blk xle cvr f.aft/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b red Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
53.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s./tan xle cvr f.fwd/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b red Les tlr/s.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
54.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s./org xle cvr f.fwd/red insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/clr wind/typ b red Les tlr/s.conn/grn opn xle cvr/yel doly/wht cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
55. Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s./brn xle cvr f.fwd/red insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/grn wind/typ a red Les tlr/s.conn/grn opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
56.Met.red cab/sil base/dk.yel gril/s.s./org xle cvr f.aft/red insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ b red Les tlr/s.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht contrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
57.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s/blk xle cvr f.fwd/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b blk Les tlr/s.conn/blk opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/blu top/Gentr.
58.Met.red cab/wht base/yel gril/s.s./blk xle cvr f.fwd/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b wht Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht contrs/blu top/Gentr.
Cab: White, metallic red, red&blue, blue, dk.blue &white, yellow& black.
Radiator grill: Yellow, dark yellow or black.
Base: White, red silver or black.
Fifth wheel: White, yellow or black; with (WS) or no stopper (NS).
Wheels: Maltese Cross (MCW) or 5 spoke Mag (5SMW).
Axle cover: White, lt.orange, orange, dk.orange, red, tan, gold, brown or black. Also found reversed.
Stacks: Short (s.s.) or long (l.s.).
Windows: Clear or green.
Seats: Light yellow, dark yellow or black.
Trailer color: White, yellow, red, green, blue, dark blue or black.
Trailer connector: Small or large.
Trailer base: Type a. Open area in front of dolly & rear axles; b. Area is filled.
Trailer legend: Lesney (Les) or Matchbox (Mbx).
Trailer axle cover: Green open, tan open, gold open, black open or black closed.
Dolly axle cover: Yellow or black.
Container body: Smooth or ridged.
Container labels: Ginny Dolls, DBP, Deutche Bundespost, Crowe, Penguin, Michelin, 7Up or Gentransco.
Container colors:
a. Light yellow with black top.
b. Yellow with yellow top.
c. Yellow with orange top.
d. Yellow with blue top.
e. Yellow with black top.
f. Dark Yellow with orange top.
g. Dark yellow with blue top.
h. Orange with red top.
i. Orange with blue top.
j. Orange with dark blue top.
k. White with yellow top.
l. White with dark yellow top.
m.White with orange top.
n. White with red top.
o. White with light blue top.
p. White with mid blue top.
q. White with blue top.
r. White with dark blue top.
s.White with dark green top.
t. White with black top.
1. Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ b red Les trl/s.conn/blk opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cont/dk.blu top/Ginny Dolls.
2. Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./wht insrt/org xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ b red Les trl/s.conn/blk opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cont/dk.blu top/Ginny Dolls.
3. Yel cab/blk bas/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b blk Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/yel cntrs & top/DBP.
4. Yel cab/blk bas/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b blk Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/yel cntrs & top/DBP.
5. Yel cab/blk bas/blk gril/l.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b blk Les tlr/s.conn/blk opn xle cvr/blk doly/yel cntr & top/DBP.
6. Yel cab/blk bas/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/5SMW/typ b yel Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/yel cntr &top/Deutsche.
7. Yel cab/blk bas/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/WS/5SMW/typ b yel Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/yel cntr &top/Deutsche.
8. Blu cab/wht bas/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b red Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/lt.blu top/Crowe.
9. Met.red cab/sil bas/yel gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/red top/Crowe.
10. Blu&wht cab/wht bas/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b wht Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/lt.blu top/Penguin.
11.Blu&wht cab/wht bas/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b wht Les tlr/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/lt.blu top/Penguin.
12.Blu cab/wht bas/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b wht Les tlr/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/lt.blu top/Penguin.
13.Blu cab/wht bas/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b wht Les tlr/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/lt.blu top/Penguin.
14.Met.red cab/sil bas/yel gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b red Les tlr/blk opn xle cvr/blk doly/org cntrs/red top/Michelin.
15.Wht cab/sil base/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/red xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/5SMW/typ b grn Les tlr/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.grn top/7Up.
16.Wht cab/sil base/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/red xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/WS/5SMW/typ b grn Les tlr/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.grn top/7Up.
17.Wht cab/sil base/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/5SMW/typ b grn Les tlr/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.grn top/7Up.
18.Wht cab/sil base/blk gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/WS/5SMW/typ b grn Mbx tlr/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.grn top/7Up.
19.Wht cab/wht base/blk gril/s.s./wht insrt/red xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/5SMW/typ b grn Mbx tlr/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.grn top/7Up.
20.Met.red cab/sil bas/yel gril/l.s./red insrt/wht xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht smt cntrs/blu top/Gentr.
21.Dk.met.red cab/sil bas/yel gril/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b red Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht smt cntrs/mid blu top/Gentr.
22.Met.red cab/sil bas/yel grill/l.s./wht insrt/org xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/blk top/Gentr.
23.Met.red cab/sil bas/yel grill/s.s./red insrt/blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/tan opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/blk top/Gentr.
24.Met.red cab/sil bas/yel gril/l.s./wht insrt/org xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk doly/yel cntrs/blk top/Gentr.
25.Met.red cab/sil bas/yel gril/l.s./wht insrt/dk.org xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk doly/yel cntrs/blk top/Gentr.
26.Red&blu cab/red bas/blk gril/s.s.blk/Hoch &Tief/blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b red Les tlr/s.conn/blk opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
27.Red&blu cab/red bas/blk gril/s.s.blk/Hoch &Tief/blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b red Les tlr/s.conn/blk opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
28.Yel&wht cab/sil base/blk gril/s.s./blk xle cvr f.aft/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b dk.blu Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/dk.yel cntrs/org top/Gentr.
29.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s./blk xle cvr f.aft/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b dk.blu Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/dk.yel cntrs/org top/Gentr.
30.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s./blk xle cvr f.aft/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b red Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.yel top/Gentr.
31.Met.red cab sil base/yel gril/s.s./blk xle cvr f.aft/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b red Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/yel top/Gentr.
32.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s./blk xle cvr f.aft/red insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/s.conn/tan opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/org top/Gentr.
33.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./lt.org xle cvr f.aft/wht insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/s.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk doly/org cntrs/blu top/Gentr.
34.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./org xle cvr f.aft/wht insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/tan opn xle cvr/blk doly/org cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
35.Met.red cab/sil bas/yel gril/l.s./wht xle cvr f.aft/wht insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/tan opn xle cvr/blk doly/yel containers/blu top/Gentr.
36.Met.red cab/sil bas/yel gril/s.s./gld xle cvr f.fwd/red insrt/wht 5th whl/WS/MCW/grn wind/typ a red Les tlr/s.conn/tan opn xle cvr/blk doly/yel cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
37.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./org xle cvr f.fwd/wht insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/tan opn xle cvr/blk doly/yel cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
38.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./org xle cvr f.fwd/wht insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/tan opn xle cvr/blk doly/dk.yel cntrs/blu top/Gentr.
39 Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s./gld xle cvr f.aft/no insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ a Les red tlr/s.conn/tan opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/red top/Gentr.
40.Blu cab/yel base/yel gril/s.s./blk xle cvr f.aft/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/s.conn/blk opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.yel top/Gentransco.
41.Blu cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s./blk xle cvr f.aft/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b blu Les tlr/s.conn/blk opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/blu top/Gentransco.
42.Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk gril/s.s./blk xle cvr f.aft/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b blu Les tlr/s.conn/clsd blk xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/blu top/Gentransco.
43.Met.red cab/sil base/blk gril/l.s./org xle cvr f.fwd/wht insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/s.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/md.blu top/Gentr.
44.Met.red cab/sil base/blk gril/l.s./org xle cvr f.aft/yel insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/s.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/blu top/Gentr.
45.Met.red cab/sil base/blk gril/s.s./org xle cvr f.fwd/red insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/s.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk dolly/wht cntrs/blu top/Gentr.
46.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./org xle cvr f.aft/wht insrt/yel 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/tan opn xle cvr/yel doly/wht cntrs/md.blu top/Gentr.
47.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./dk.org xle cvr f.aft/wht insrt/yel 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/tan opn xle cvr/yel doly/wht cntrs/blu top/Gentr.
48.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./tan xle cvr f.aft/wht insrt/yel 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/tan opn xle cvr/yel doly/wht cntrs/blu top/Gentr.
49.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./org xle cvr f.fwd/red insrt/yel 5th whl/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/tan opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
50.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./dk.org xle cvr f.aft/wht insrt/yel 5th whl/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/l.conn/tan opn xle cvr/yel doly/wht cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
51.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/l.s./lt.org xle cvr f.fwd/no insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ a red Les tlr/s.conn/tan opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
52.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s./blk xle cvr f.aft/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b red Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
53.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s./tan xle cvr f.fwd/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b red Les tlr/s.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
54.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s./org xle cvr f.fwd/red insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/clr wind/typ b red Les tlr/s.conn/grn opn xle cvr/yel doly/wht cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
55. Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s./brn xle cvr f.fwd/red insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/grn wind/typ a red Les tlr/s.conn/grn opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
56.Met.red cab/sil base/dk.yel gril/s.s./org xle cvr f.aft/red insrt/blk 5th whl/NS/MCW/typ b red Les tlr/s.conn/gld opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht contrs/dk.blu top/Gentr.
57.Met.red cab/sil base/yel gril/s.s/blk xle cvr f.fwd/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b blk Les tlr/s.conn/blk opn xle cvr/blk doly/wht cntrs/blu top/Gentr.
58.Met.red cab/wht base/yel gril/s.s./blk xle cvr f.fwd/red insrt/blk 5th whl/WS/MCW/typ b wht Les tlr/s.conn/blk clsd xle cvr/blk doly/wht contrs/blu top/Gentr.