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K133A Iveco Refuse Truck

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 12:40 am
by charliep
K133A Iveco Refuse Truck. Released in 1986. Made in England, Macau or China.

Cab: Maroon, dark maroon, white, orange or dark blue.
Container: Maroon, dark maroon, white, gray, blue or dark blue.
Base: White, black or gray; England, Macau or China.
Wheels: Eight dot disc; Maroon, red, white or orange.
Windows: Clear.
Interior: Black.
Roof lights: Amber (control steerable front wheels).
Side tampo: "Refuse & City Corp", "ABF & 228", "Caricature & 228", "Recycle & City", "BFI" in blue or dark blue.
Rear labels: Black & yellow, orange & yellow or blue & white stripes.

1. Maroon cab & container/white base/England made/maroon 8 dot disc whls/clr wind/blk int/"Refuse City Corp"/blk & yel stripes.
2. Dark maroon cab & container/white base/Macau made/maroon 8 dot disc whls/clr wind/blk int/"Refuse City Corp"/blk & yel stripes.
3. White cab & container/white base/Macau made/red 8 dot disc whls/clr wind/blk int/"ABF & 228"/orange & yellow stripes.
4. White cab & container/white base/Macau made/red 8 dot disc whls/clr wind/blk int/"Caricature & 228"/orange & yellow stripes.
5. White cab & container/white base/Macau made/white 8 dot disc whls/clr wind/blk int/"Recycle & city sanitation"/blk & yel stripes.
6. White cab & container/white base/China made/white 8 dot disc whls/clr wind/blk int/"Recycle & city sanitation"/blk & yel stripes.
7. Orange cab/gray container/black base/Macau made/white 8 dot disc whls/clr wind/blk int/no tampo.
8. Orange cab/gray container/black base/China made/orange 8 dot disc whls/clr wind/blk int/no tampo.
9. White cab/blue container/gray base/China made/white 8 dot disc whls/clr wind/blk int/"BFI" on blue.
10.White cab/blue container/gray base/China made/white 8 dot disc whls/clr wind/blk int/"BFI" on dark blue.
11.Dark blue cab/dk. blue container/gray base/China made/white 8 dot disc whls/clr wind/blk int/"BFI & 664"/blue & white stripes.

Re: K133 Iveco Refuse Truck

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 12:49 am
Thank you Charlie for showing us so many models form your collection. It is turning into a comprehensive reference gallery and I am guessing here, that you do still have the boxes for the models and perhaps will show them later on.


Re: K133 Iveco Refuse Truck

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 12:43 am
by charliep
Hi Ghosthunter,

Glad to hear that you appreciate the postings. It is not easy and takes a lot of careful effort. I used the opportunity to clean the glass shelves and mirrors once I removed the models.
WRT the boxes, that will be a huge task as they are in storage in various locations. My estimation is that approx. 95% of the models do have their original boxes.
Like everyone else, the original boxes from the sixties on to the eighties that were made in England are the most desirable and form a nice collection on to themselves.
Sometimes the box itself maybe as valuable as the model it holds inside. They certainly are works of art. Maybe one day I will try to assemble a nice group of boxes.
Charli e

Re: K133 Iveco Refuse Truck

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:19 am
Thank's Charlie, please don't disturb the boxes if they are safely stored and run the risk of damaging any just for the sake of some pictures, best leave them 'as is'.
