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K20C Peterbilt Wrecker

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 12:03 pm
by charliep
K20C Peterbilt Wrecker. Issued in 1979. All England castings.

Body: White, dark green/white, darker green/white or metallic green/white.
Jib: Red or dark red.
Base & fuel tanks: Silver, gray, chrome or unpainted.
Base legend:
Type a: Small "Peterbilt Truck"; with or without raised cast line.
Type b: Large "Peterbilt [R] Truck".
Wheels: Maltese Cross (MCW) or five spoke mag (5SMW).
Axle cover: Black or tan.
Windows: Clear.
Emergency lights: Red, amber or blue.
Plate under emergency lights: White or unpainted.
AC Unit: White or unpainted.
Tow sled: Red or dark red. Also found with black wheels.
Tow hooks: Gold.
Cable spool: Black or yellow.
Cables: Tan, yellow, white, green or blue.
Labels: "Heavy Duty recovery" on sides. Red & white stripes on front bumper.

1. Dk.grn & wht body/red jib/type a gray base/MCW/red lights on unpainted plate/white ac/gold hooks/blk spool/yel cable/no sled/PP.
2. White body/red jib/type a chrome base/5SMW/orange lights/unpainted plate/unpainted ac/gold hooks/blk spool/blu cable/red sled & whls.
3. White body/ jib/type a chrome base/5SMW/orange lights/unpainted plate/unpainted ac/gold hooks/blk spool/blu cable/ sled & whls.
4. Dk.grn & wht body/red jib/type a chrome base/5SMW/orange lights/unpainted plate/unpainted ac/gold hooks/blk spool/wht cable/red sled & whls.
5. Dk.grn & wht body/red jib/type a chrome base/5SMW/tan axle cover/org lts/unpainted plate/unpainted ac/gold hooks/blk spool/wht cable/red sled & whls.
6. Dk.grn & wht body/red jib/type a chrome base/no cast line/5SMW/red lts/unpainted plate/white ac/gold hooks/blk spool/wht cable/red sled & whls.
7. Dk.grn & wht body/red jib/type a chrome base/with cast line/5SMW/red lts/unpainted plate/white ac/gold hooks/blk spool/yel cable/red sled & blk whls.
8. Dk.grn & wht body/red jib/type a gray base/5SMW/red lts/unpainted plate/white ac/gold hooks/blk spool/grn cable/red sled & whls.
9. Dk.grn & wht body/red jib/type a gray base/5SMW/red lts/unpainted plate/unpainted ac/gold hooks/blk spool/grn cable/red sled & whls.
10.Dk.grn & wht body/red jib/type a chrome base/5SMW/red lts/unpainted plate/unpainted ac/gold hooks/blk spool/tan cable/red sled & blk whls.
11.Dk.grn & wht body/red jib/type a chrome base/5SMW/red lts/unpainted plate/unpainted ac/gold hooks/blk spool/blu cable/red sled & whls.
12.Dk.grn & wht body/red jib/type b silver base/5SMW/red lights/white plate/unpainted ac/gold hooks/blk spool/tan cable/red sled & whls.
13.Dk.grn & wht body/red jib/type b silver base/5SMW/red lights/white plate/unpainted ac/gold hooks/blk spool/yel cable/red sled & whls.
14.Dk.grn & wht body/red jib/type b chrome base/5SMW/red lights/white plate/unpainted ac/gold hooks/blk spool/yel cable/red sled & whls.
15.Dk.grn & wht body/red jib/type b unpainted base/5SMW/red lights/white plate/unpainted ac/gold hooks/blk spool/yel cable/ sled & whls.
16.Dk.grn & wht body/red jib/type b silver base/5SMW/red lights/white plate/unpainted ac/gold hooks/yel spool/tan cable/red sled & whls.
17.Dk.grn & wht body/red jib/type b silver base/5SMW/blue lights/white plate/unpainted ac/gold hooks/blk spool/yel cable/red sled & whls.
18.Dk.grn & wht body/ jib/type b silver base/5SMW/blu lights/wht plate/unpainted ac/gold hooks/blk spool/tan cable/ sled & whls.
19.Darker grn & wht body/ jib/type b silver base/5SMW/blu lights/wht plate/unpainted ac/gold hooks/blk spool/yel cable/ sled & whls.
20.Darker grn & wht body/red jib/type b silver base/5SMW/blue lights/white plate/unpainted ac/gold hooks/blk spool/yel cable/red sled & whls.
21.Met.grn & wht body/red jib/type b chrome base/5SMW/red lights/white plate/unpainted ac/gold hooks/blk spool/wht cable/red sled & whls.
22.Met.grn & wht body/red jib/type b chrome base/5SMW/red lights/white plate/unpainted ac/gold hooks/blk spool/yel cable/red sled & whls.
23.Met.grn & wht body/red jib/type b silver base/5SMW/red lights/white plate/unpainted ac/gold hooks/blk spool/yel cable/red sled & whls.
24.Met.grn & wht body/red jib/type b silver base/5SMW/red lights/white plate/unpainted ac/gold hooks/blk spool/tan cable/red sled & whls.

Re: K20 Peterbilt Wrecker

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 3:32 pm
Oh dear, I was afraid you was going to come on to this model...I love Wrecker Trucks having done this sort of work in the real World, but even as a teenager I always wanted this model when it first came out but one never came my way (Parents don't always understand our needs as a Teenager... :lol: ), so I am still shopping for one myself, but now you go and spoil it by showing all those variations and it is spoiling me because I want all of them... :(


Re: K20 Peterbilt Wrecker

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 6:05 pm
by motorman
Are you having a wee tantrum Ghosty?

Re: K20 Peterbilt Wrecker

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 6:09 pm
motorman wrote:Are you having a wee tantrum Ghosty?
Och aye!


Re: K20 Peterbilt Wrecker

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 6:20 am
by matchboxkiwi
Here is a photo out of one of my photo albums;
IMG_2796.JPG (72.7 KiB) Viewed 622 times
Cheers, Steve

Re: K20 Peterbilt Wrecker

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 8:26 am
by yellowfoden
Hello CharlieP and Steve,

That is an impressive line-up with many of the subtle variations going un-noticed until shown side by side.

Steve, I remember when you posted the pic of the K20 pre-pro wrecker a few years ago so I have placed it alongside the one charliep has a pre-pro so that the differences can be seen with both pre-pro models prior to the production model. Just with the two pre-pro there are more than a dozen differences.
The two pre-pro shows just how much more they developed this model.

These pre-pro pics are really quite interesting Steve and pleased you have kept and shared these photos.


Re: K20 Peterbilt Wrecker

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 8:54 pm
by matchboxkiwi
Great comparison work with the photo's Bert.
Having them side by side like that really helps pick out the differences. Can you do the same with the other postings.
I've put photo's on for Charliep postings for K76, K69 and K45.
I see he has done a new one for K78 and I have some photo's of that too, but haven't posted them yet.

Cheers, Steve

Re: K20 Peterbilt Wrecker

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 2:17 pm
by yellowfoden
matchboxkiwi wrote:Great comparison work with the photo's Bert.
Having them side by side like that really helps pick out the differences. Can you do the same with the other postings.
I've put photo's on for Charliep postings for K76, K69 and K45.
I see he has done a new one for K78 and I have some photo's of that too, but haven't posted them yet.

Cheers, Steve
Thanks Steve,
Yes , can do, I will look at some of my notes and see if I can find some interesting detail.
Here is a pic of the K20 box
I like the detail on the box of this one, interesting to note it shows various components in yellow.
Close inspection could also indicate a plan for the towing rig to have separate bpw's with axle in lieu of them being moulded into plastic.
