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25c Bedford Petrol Tanker

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 10:15 am
by Idris
The NAMC’s “Catalog of all Series Matchbox Models” (second edition) notes the existence of a greenish-yellow cab with BPW and no silver trim as variation 25-3D. The variation in cab colour has already been captured here.
The AIM's “1-75 Series Regular Wheels” catalogue (second printing, 1983) does not list any variations not already catalogued by Nick, and neither does Stannard.
Houghton notes the DDR release (BPW, silver trim, no decals) as variation 25c-5 (although, interestingly, he fails to mention the connection with East Germany). Curiously, his 25c photographs appear to clearly show the cab colour variation, but he has failed to catalogue it.
U.K. Matchbox did not examine the model.

We should also remember that very early cabs do not have the reinforcement at the rear (see here]. We know that this variation can be found on both the first issue (confusingly, Nick's variation code 3), and the DDR issue (unlisted by Nick, but equivalent to his variation code 3 without decals).

Re: 25c Bedford Petrol Tanker

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:03 pm
by Sebastian10
This one was in a job lot with a few harder to find models. It is so tatty I barely give it a second glance but on closer inspection I noticed it has slightly wider wheels than the other Bedford BP Tankers in my collection - which may make it an unlisted variation :) :)
The cab has the usual thick wall.

Happy collecting :D
