Matchbox G100 Twin Thunderbolt launcher set

British made Matchbox Superfast 1969-83
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Matchbox G100 Twin Thunderbolt launcher set

Post by Sir_Matchbox_96 »

Hi all,
I found this item in the ebay small ad's and had to buy it, because I had not seen this before. The box is a bit unusual, the cars shown were never released, or did I miss something?
It contains two launchers (works with rubber bands) and two matchbox cars laying in a seperate cardboard in the box.
The launchers has "Made in Hong Kong" at the bottom.
There is a broadly similar set in a different box. It also contains two models (but visible because of a blister) two launchers (which are a bit different to my ones) and two ramps, which my set does not include. I'am sure they are not missing, they were not included. I borrowed a pic from ebay of the other set.

Was my set for a special marked or do you have any other ideas, information?


And a pic from ebay showing the broadly similar G100 set
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Re: Matchbox G100 Twin Thunderbolt launcher set

Post by matchboxkiwi »

Great sets Linus. I love these sets.
The last photo's you show of the G-100 set is what I consider the UK / World released set.
The first photo's are an American market release G-100 set. From memory they were never shown in a catalogue which makes the set very hard to find as you don't know of it's existence. The launches look a little modern for this set. They look like they are from the streak track set series.
I could be wrong. I'll try and find my set and have a look.
Still, a good find.
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Re: Matchbox G100 Twin Thunderbolt launcher set

Post by mbox75 »

Hallo Linus

Die Fahrzeuge sind sicherlich ausgetauscht worden.Das Set ist um einige Jahre später erschienen,da müssten Modelle der ende siebziger bis anfang der achziger Jahre enthalten sein.Aber sonst ein gesuchtes Geschenkset.Gratuliere.

Gruss Mathias
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Re: Matchbox G100 Twin Thunderbolt launcher set

Post by ChFalkensteiner »

I have to agree with Mathias' statement that the models included with the set seem to be several years older than the rest of the set, and that it would have originally come with a pair of more recent models.

Interestingly the earlier packaging design of G-100 was shown in the catalogues up to 1978. In the 1978 trade catalogues, it is pretty much the only item shown which still features the old Matchbox logo without the frame around the lettering. This corresponds with sightings of examples of that earlier design containing models from 1978 such as the Flamin' Manta from the US issue Roman Numeral Set (meaning that particular model may have been available outside the USA after all, albeit not as a single issue).

I cannot find any mention of the G-100 set in any catalogues issued after 1978, so it does seem the later packaging design was never shown in any official publication at the time it was available, which makes it difficult to determine its time and region of issue. I would like to know if there is a date printed on the package.
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Re: Matchbox G100 Twin Thunderbolt launcher set

Post by cOO7rgi »

There's another similar set on ebay right now, so probably not that rare: ... 1589465024
$_12.JPG (28.39 KiB) Viewed 1630 times
Only difference is the Porsche 910 (again an early 70s model) replacing the Hi-Tailer but the Formula 1 is exactly the same - so maybe original content after all? I would find it very unlikely that two sellers would independently choose the same substitute when swapping models. Maybe from 1974 which seems to fit for all three models?

I also don't think that the launchers are too modern for this set. This is the older type launcher - the newer design from the 80s has a narrower moving part.
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Re: Matchbox G100 Twin Thunderbolt launcher set

Post by ChFalkensteiner »

The Matchbox logo with the frame was introduced in 1975, as was the name "Streak Sets", which is mentioned on the package, so it cannot be earlier than that.

On the other hand, the metallic pink Formula 1 racer was replaced by the lemon issue in 1972, so there is a gap of at least three years.

The only explanation I can offer is leftover stock at the factory which was used up to complete these sets - but I am somewhat puzzled.
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Re: Matchbox G100 Twin Thunderbolt launcher set

Post by matchboxkiwi »

Here is one of my Thunderbolt Launcher Set's. I say one because I always thought I had one but I found I have two of them! Neath er had the cars in them.
IMG_2502.JPG (105.56 KiB) Viewed 1521 times
IMG_2503.JPG (104.79 KiB) Viewed 1521 times
I also found the older set.
IMG_2508.JPG (88.63 KiB) Viewed 1521 times
IMG_2509.JPG (92.23 KiB) Viewed 1521 times
IMG_2510.JPG (121.9 KiB) Viewed 1521 times
IMG_2511.JPG (82.63 KiB) Viewed 1521 times
Cheers Steve
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Re: Matchbox G100 Twin Thunderbolt launcher set

Post by matchboxkiwi »

Can't beat the art work!
IMG_2512.JPG (109.71 KiB) Viewed 1516 times
IMG_2513.JPG (101.66 KiB) Viewed 1516 times
Cheers, Steve
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Re: Matchbox G100 Twin Thunderbolt launcher set

Post by ChFalkensteiner »

Steve, is there a date printed on the packaging of the newer version? If so, which one?

I am a bit curious about this.
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Re: Matchbox G100 Twin Thunderbolt launcher set

Post by matchboxkiwi »

I can't see any date Christian.
I did look.
My guess is about 1979. But the cars don't fit as you pointed out. However the thunder bolt launchers are 1977/78 at the earliest.
Unfortunately neither of my sets have the cars with them.

Cheers, Steve