K70 Porsche Turbo

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K70 Porsche Turbo

Post by nearlymint »

Added a couple of new base colours to the K70 collection, normally the base can be either a light or a darker metallic green.
k70 002.JPG (40.43 KiB) Viewed 1774 times
Black base one I have seen a few of but never cheap enough for me to add to the collection until now. White base is a new one to me, but again this one was cheap enough to add into the collection.
K70 base
K70 base
k70 004.JPG (48.61 KiB) Viewed 1774 times
Check my swaps page(rest has been under construction for years :))
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Re: K70 Porsche Turbo


The White and then Green are the earlier versions with working door catches (despite them not working on the model in the pocket catalogue!), Porsche badge on front, 'Chromed' screen surround & wipers and simulated Sunroof panel. As production progressed these details were slowly removed from the model's specification.

White base is a hard one to find.

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Re: K70 Porsche Turbo

Post by charliep »

That is so neat. I was not aware of such base variation . Thank you for posting the pictures. :P
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Re: K70 Porsche Turbo

Post by Fred7A »

Interesting variations I wasn't aware of.

When I was young I was really impressed by the working door handles which I thought was a very neat gimmick. In fact, I still do! My original example was resprayed by a friend in a very 70s metallic brown, but it chipped easily and I ended up trashing it (which I admit was rather ungrateful :oops: ). I also liked the flashy five-spoke wheels which looked much better than those fitted to earlier Super Kings.

Of the two examples I now have, one has the chrome window surrounds and sprung doors which open automatically when the catches are released, while the one without chrome window surrounds doesn't have the springing on the doors. Was that a deliberate design change, or has one just lost its spring?