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Please Read Before Posting

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 5:22 pm
by Idris
The Reference Library section is an area of VBD where reviews of reference books and websites can be posted.
The area is divided up into different topics, with each topic being for a different manufacturer (Lesney, Dinky, Corgi, etc.). If you cannot see the name of the manufacturer concerned, you will need to start a new topic.
Book reviews should include a link to the relevant Amazon page (e.g. ... miniatures) since this provides additional information in the form of the ISBN and links to copies offered for sale on the Internet. Take care to chose the right edition (which will normally be the most recent one). Note that North American and European editions will have different ISBNs, so adding a link from and the equivalent link from might be prudent.
Website reviews should include the website URL (obviously!).