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A perfect start of the year......

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 8:55 pm
by kay
Hi all,

the new year is just a few days old, but it started extremely well for me…

Yesterday I went to a toy and toy train show some 35 miles north of where I live.
Most of the dealers there had tons of toy trains and related items, and there were just a few diecast models mixed in here and there.
One of the dealers had about 20 unboxed Regular Wheels which he said he had from an old train layout that he bought some time ago.
He had no idea about the models, so he had priced them all the same. In between all the (mostly overpriced) standard models were three items that I had to buy…..



The 69b Hatra (Stannard code 3) with the red hubs is not not particulary rare, but is not too easy to find - and I did not have it in my collection.
The dark blue 55b Ford Fairlane Police Car (Stannard code 1) is very rare over here, so I took it with me. I already have a mint boxed one, but probably I can trade it for a model that I need.
Star of the lot obviously is the 72a Fordson Tractor with yellow hubs (Stannard code 12, but with black plastic tires). Even that there are so many fakes around of this model lately, I’m 100 % sure it is genuine – the axle ends look perfect to me, and it has some kind of provenance.
Some of you might say that “coming from an old toy train layout” is not enough of a provenance, but for me, the whole story sounds very convincing.

Here are two more close-up pictures of the model:



I wonder if the year will continue for me like that – but I hope so!! :) :)

Re: A perfect start of the year......

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:04 pm
by Sir_Matchbox_96
Wow these are awesome Kay!
I really like the colour on the police car. I was able to find a beater of this colour variation, but I'am still looking for an update on this one. We may meet on 24.1.?
The Fordson looks good, too.
Was ein perfekter Start! Da hat sich die Reise ja gelohnt. Ich hoffe wir sehen uns bald wieder.

Liebe Grüße,

Re: A perfect start of the year......

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:58 pm
by johnboy
Wonderful start to the new year Kay! I bet you couldn't believe your luck to find those beauties :)

Re: A perfect start of the year......

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:06 pm
I would be very happy to find just one of those models, but to find all Three, in the same place, is that not a little bit suspicious or have the good luck Gods really been kind to you... :D


Re: A perfect start of the year......

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 11:21 pm
by motorman
Congratulations Kay, dont you just love these train enthusiasts!! :D

Re: A perfect start of the year......

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 11:56 pm
by fixer
motorman wrote:Congratulations Kay, dont you just love these train enthusiasts!! :D
oh yes some just don't know what they have ;)

Re: A perfect start of the year......

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:21 am
by tractorboy
Nice finds - what a great start to the year.

Re: A perfect start of the year......

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:15 am
by MBXPilot
Great finds! That police car is a beauty. Another one that I only own as a beater and have yet to upgrade. Happy new year!!

Re: A perfect start of the year......

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:11 am
by matchbox_n_molars
Awesome Kay! I'm happy for you! I've never even held one of those yellow wheeled Fordsons in my hands. You've done VERY well my friend.

Re: A perfect start of the year......

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:33 am
by jimgallegos
What an amazing start. If it continues like this, you will have found all there is to find. Congrats. See you in July at the Gathering.