35b Snow-Trac

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35b Snow-Trac

Post by Idris »

Neither the NAMC’s “Catalog of all Series Matchbox Models” (second edition) nor the AIM's “1-75 Series Regular Wheels” catalogue (second printing, 1983) list any variations not already covered by Nick. The same is true of Stannard.
Whilst Houghton does not list any new variations, he does indicate the models which he believes came with non-white tracks: green tracks with variation 35b-5 (25 mm decals, long mudguard ridges), and black tracks with variation 35b-8 (cast "Snow-Trac" on side, short mudguard ridges).
U.K. Matchbox examined the model in Vol. 3, no. 10 (Dec. '79) p196, but did not identify any variations not already listed by Nick.

It should be noted that Antonin identified two different rear castings (arising from a decision during pre-production to delete two of the three rear windows): one with filled-in windows, and one retooled for the single window. Details are required of which variations codes can be found with which rear casting.
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Re: 35b Snow-Trac

Post by nearlymint »

Just going through a few recent additions which included the Snow Trac without axle braces, luckily I had one with braces as well and noticed the model without braces is wider at the back behind the wheels. To me this seems the wrong way around, unless for some reason they made this area narrower and added axle braces.
Axle braces
Axle braces
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Re: 35b Snow-Trac

Post by Idris »

Even after studying the composite photograph, I don't understand what you mean. However, we do know that the back panel was retooled, first to eliminate the windows either side of the door, and then again to eliminate the ghostly outlines of those windows.
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Re: 35b Snow-Trac


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Re: 35b Snow-Trac

Post by Idris »

No, still don't see it. Sorry.
If you look at the positioning of the (for want of a better tern) "chassis rails" where they meet the rear skirt, there's no difference.
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Re: 35b Snow-Trac

Post by nearlymint »

Hi, should have added these to show what I was on a about.
axle braces
axle braces
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Re: 35b Snow-Trac

Post by Idris »

nearlymint wrote:Hi, should have added these to show what I was on a about.
Yes, you should have! :D (I was looking at the width between the "chassis rails", an impression reinforced by Ghosty's arrows which seemingly indicated 'look at the width of the gap'.)
Isn't that odd? That's a major retooling since there's less metal on the outside in the webbed casting than there is original version. Something to do with how well the tracks stayed on perhaps?
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Re: 35b Snow-Trac

Post by DrJeep »

All of mine, with and without braces, have the thicker part of the chassis rail, which is actually a ring on the rail behind the wheel - here shown on the first version without braces but it’s the same with the braces.
Jason, does your thin rail version have this ring? Perhaps the original mould had to be replaced in the 5 years the Snow Trac was in production? Which variation is it?

Does anyone else think the braces on this model are an entirely pointless modification? They really can’t add much -or any - strength.
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Re: 35b Snow-Trac

Post by nearlymint »

Thanks for the reply, I will dig my others out and see if any others are thin like this one.
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Re: 35b Snow-Trac

Post by nearlymint »

After checking a few others, I think as Glen has said its the boss behind the wheel thats missing making it look narrow. I have another one that looks even narrower and both have the name cast in which is towards the end of the models life.
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