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Majorette from Brazil

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 1:35 pm
by Matchboom
Hi all. Here are my 8 brazilian Majorette variations. From what I understand, these were imported in parts to skip taxes, then painted and assembled in Brazil. Two examples in this best of are Kiko, founded around 1960 by Arno Kikoler in Rio. They have a black base with modified info on raised patches (Majorette becomes Majorette Kiko, VW camper 226 is renumbered 115, Bagheera 219 is renumbered 121, Made in France becomes Industria Brasileira). Others are Inbrima (former Roly Toys 1964 to 1974), standing for Industria de Brinquedos do Amazonas. Company was founded in Rio by Mauricio Nhuch, son in law of Arno Kikoler, then moved to Manaus in 1967. Roly Toys models had a label on base, Inbrima did the same for about a year then came up with " Fab ZF Manaus " plastic tab. Stands for Fabricado na zona franca de Manaus. Inbrima base can have various colours. Note that Inbrima factory changed address in 1978, that's why you may have Wilkens de Matos street or later Javari street mentioned on striker side of your Matchbox brazilian cardboard boxes. As for label placed on sides of Volkswagen 1302, I'm sure you know where it comes from...

Re: Majorette from Brazil

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 4:24 pm
by SMS88
Great stuff in fresh colours, i never knew Majo castings had been assembled in Brazil but it does make sense, the companies that also had Lesney and Corgi Juniors tried Majo too...........

Re: Majorette from Brazil

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 8:51 pm
by motorman
Ambulance looks great!

Re: Majorette from Brazil

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 11:07 pm
by hudson-assis
I found this majorette in a lot of matchbox I bought this week, very rare even here in Brazil !!
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Re: Majorette from Brazil

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 11:48 pm
Rolls-Royce used the CAMARGUE name a few Years later in 1975, (Wonder what Citroen thought of this...)


Re: Majorette from Brazil

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:10 pm
by Matchboom
Black base and thin wheels at rear : Superb 221 Citroën Camargue ! Here's a complete blister that I enjoyed destroying as a tribute to DLM guru David T. Inserted is the inscription present on the back of the card.