197- pre pro bases.

British made Matchbox Superfast 1969-83
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197- pre pro bases.

Post by tjlglass »

I was speaking to a former employee and the conversation came up about why some models don't have 197 bases. He told me that if a model was designed early in the year ie: January, Feb, March etc and they knew the model was defiantly being released that year then the full date was added to the moulding. Whereas if the model was designed later in the year ie: Oct, Nov, Dec then the final number was left blank as release might have been the following year. Makes sense I suppose.
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Re: 197- pre pro bases.

Post by Taniwha »

Interesting thanks Timbo. Should be easy to verify this, given SF release dates to the month are generally better documented than the early 1-75 models.

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