a strange Dinky military 6 wheeler wagon

Dinky toys by Meccano
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a strange Dinky military 6 wheeler wagon

Post by politoys »

HI All
I have recently bought a Dinky Toys Military 6 wheeler covered wagon 151b
this truck has a particular detail I have never seen before it has infact a front windscreen frame in metal the same color of the body
but without any glass or plastic
http://www.planetdiecast.com/hwdphotos/ ... 7_mini.jpg
is similar to this one in the pic the only one I could find but althought this in the pic is a repaint and has been modified my one has this front windscreen frame look to a rectangular hole in the underside
pity I am not tooled up to post a pic but does anybody know if the were variations to the item than included a windscreen frame positioned similar like the one on a jeep ?
thanks very much for your reply
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Re: a strange Dinky military 6 wheeler wagon


The model in the picture in your link seems to have had some clear perspex added to represent a windscreen, I don't think these trucks had any screen detail, but the design of the castings does tend to help with the location of a homemade screen.

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Re: a strange Dinky military 6 wheeler wagon


If you look at this example it is possible to add a plastic screen...
Screenless Truck.jpg
Screenless Truck.jpg (25.15 KiB) Viewed 1990 times
...but not sure about a metal one.

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Re: a strange Dinky military 6 wheeler wagon

Post by politoys »

thanks for your reply Ghost
I did not think there was a variation with the windscreen
Does the windscreen add value to the model or infact decrises the value ?
should I remove the screen to retain the originality ?
At the bottom of the model the screen is tight to a rectangular hole in the chassis
I have another model like this but has no hole underside
what was rthe hole ment for ?
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Re: a strange Dinky military 6 wheeler wagon


Hi politoys, I would not do anything to your model until more forum members have seen it, it may be something Dinky were playing with and considered adding a screen to it and for that they would make a handful of 'Prototypes' with a screen, so before we dissect yours, we need to be sure it is not a rare 'Pre-Pro' model but for that you will have to try and give us some good clear pictures of the top view, side view, underside and inside the driving compartment, sorry but short of seeing the model In-Hand, pictures it will have to be, OK.

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Re: a strange Dinky military 6 wheeler wagon

Post by politoys »

I understand
I will try to see what I can do also because this screen is very puzzling
is not a recent addition and it seems blanding perfectly in colour and fitting
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Re: a strange Dinky military 6 wheeler wagon

Post by starni999 »

Hi all,
Yes some pictures please, though I have to say that this model, and it's civilian counterpart were never made with an upright screen to my knowledge.
Chris Warr.