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Y13 - 1918 Crosley - London Fire Brigade - 1973

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 4:40 pm
by dhaese_peter
Hi all,

I'm Peter and I'm new here.

I found the forum whilst searching some information about a Y13 - 1918 Crosley - London Fire Brigade - 1973.

I can't find a similar on the whole internet..anyone has some more information?

The box has a sticker on it with "Model Rebuilt by Tony Gleave"

Kind Regards,


Re: Y13 - 1918 Crosley - London Fire Brigade - 1973

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:39 pm
Hello Peter, welcome to the forum.
I have resized and enhanced your pictures for clarity.
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Your Crossely model has been rebuilt by someone in business for commercial gain by re-trimming or re-building commercially available models into different versions. Because they were not actually made by the original manufacturer, in this case Lesney Products as part of their 'Models of Yesteryear' range, the model or box has to have a label attached to inform the customer/owner that it was done by parties outside of Lesney.

Your example is classed as a 'Code 3' model as no official backing or sanction was offered by Lesney for that particular model version and we can see from the label a certain Mr Tony Gleave was likely responsible for the rebuild.

The 1973 date you have seen is the original date the model was produced, not the date the rebuild was done, more like the 1980's when many types of these models became available.

These types of re-trimmed or re-built versions tend not to have very high monetary values and the total number of examples made would quite low.