Tekno FORD V8

Not British, But were in the EEC now!
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Joined: Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:23 am

Tekno FORD V8

Post by karl »

Here is one example; it's hard to find with the removable chute attached to the back:


Check out the hubcaps!
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Re: Tekno FORD V8

Post by starni999 »

Ah Karl,
That's a beauty, you're right I haven't seen one with the chute. Great condition, and another one for the wants list!
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Re: Tekno FORD V8

Post by karl »

And another great casting from Tekno - same great hubcaps:

I should go to the hardware store to get some small rubber tubing. The originals have long ago crumbled to dust!
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Re: Tekno FORD V8

Post by starni999 »

Now you're talking Karl.
That Ford Tanker is No1 on my Tekno wants list. It's another model Cecil Gibson pictured in "Commercial Vehicles" the book I used to drool over as a kid 40 odd years ago. I'm now getting as many of them as I can, but short of a lottery win I'm not holding my breath for a Dinky "Bentalls" 28T2 to be honest.
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Re: Tekno FORD V8

Post by karl »

Rubber was in short supply so many of the Tekno FORDs were made with metal tires. Was this pre-war, during, or immediately post-war? Never known for sure. Does anyone know what happened in the UK?

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Re: Tekno FORD V8

Post by starni999 »

Hi Karl,
Nice bin lorry! Mine has the normal hubs / tyres, so I presume it's a later one. As far as shortages in the UK post war is concerned, pretty much everything was in short supply, as everything was still rationed or Government controlled. Toys still got made though, they were an important part of the "Export or die" drive to get foreign currency into the UK. Companies like Lilo made toy cars out of old tyres they ground down, slush casting using old metals remelted was common too. Big companies like Meccano didn't seem to have a problem until the 50's when the Korean war led to shortages of metal. Government standard paint colours like Garden gate green and brown were the order of the day on postwar Dinkys though, all those bright prewar liveries were gone.