Would you just look at the detail on the 'H' Van, for it's time a stunning model, the toolmaker who cut the tooling for this needs appraising as it's so good. My non-British made models are very few and far between, but this is one I would add to the collection, thanks for showing it here.
JRD made some terrific stuff, the big artic lorries were amazing, some of the best 1:43 Diecast made anywhere in the world. They were absorbed into CIJ I think, and they made great stuff too, but JRD were special,
The only JRD that I own I have kept for many years. I found it in the back of a toy store in Liege, Belgium, when I was a kid in 1977! Bonne chance, n'est-ce pas?
My comments earlier about the 'H' Van by 'JRD' apply here as well for the Peugeot, simply a superb casting, as good as many Dinky Toys and much better than others.
Thank's for showing this one Karl, she is in stunning condition.
What a beauty Karl! You did well there mate.
Just as good, if not better than French Dinky of the period, I love that box too, I'm really going to have to look out for a couple more of these.
I'm really looking for an original D4a "Thompson" van to match the "Primagaz", anybody got a decent picture of the baseplate of a real one, not the new version?