super gt 19/20

Non UK made Matchbox toys 1983 on
Posts: 295
Joined: Thu Dec 05, 2013 11:35 pm

super gt 19/20

Post by Pierkemimi »

As almost every model is put in boxes, the few I have loose I found variations that are not mentioned.
Top model has a bigger flat base piece after the front axle cover then the two other ones.
The two models on top have the tekst BR19/20 on a different place below the tekst of matchbox then the lowest one.
It"s a pitty that i dont know where al my other models are stocked to find other variations.
Anyone else other variations ?

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Joined: Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:12 pm

Re: super gt 19/20


Interesting variations with no obvious reason for it. As these are models produced around the time of production moving to Macau, I would think the tooling for the baseplates have possibly been modified to allow different text or model descriptions, especially if the model were to be put into a 'Twin Pack' or other model set, package under a new catalogue number.

I don't collect these models, so can not look at a 'Time-Line' for the production of them, but someone with more examples may be able to do this.

Posts: 295
Joined: Thu Dec 05, 2013 11:35 pm

Re: super gt 19/20

Post by Pierkemimi »

Maybey I be wrong but I think the following order of base of this model.
They started with a big flat after the axle and the text to the left, then they made it with a thin flat after the axle with the text also to the left.
Then 3th variations the text to the right before they changed to make the model made in china.

Maybey christian or anyone else has a better soluction concerning variations of the base. Awaiting for anyone else that has the right answer.