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Tan 50a colour

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:46 pm
by moston100
I have posted the following set of photos in response to a question from a fellow forum member with respect to the colour of the left hand model in each of the photos. The colour does appear to be a pale tan similar to the 46a minor and the other models are purely for colour comparrison with the first model.
My own thoughts are that this is a normal light brown model 50a which has probably been exposed to bright sunlight over a long period of time as the base shots show a darker shade of brown from the top and sides.
Do any other members have a similar sun faded model or have any thoughts on this toy.

Re: Tan 50a colour

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 9:13 am
by Idris
Looking at the baseplate rivets, I strongly suspect a sunfade.

Re: Tan 50a colour

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 12:35 am
I see Mr Moston is 100, so best wishes and tr...oh no! hang on a minute, got that all wrong, Mr Moston100 is not 100, that's his username... :lol:

Happy Birthday Moston100, enjoy your special Day.
