Tekno vs Jue - the Scania Vabis 76

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Tekno vs Jue - the Scania Vabis 76

Post by karl »

I have heard over the years that Jue (Brazil) copied the old Tekno Denmark Scania Vabis 76 cab. Photos show a very similar design and look. However, after many years. I acquired one very cheaply. it seems these JUE tractor trailers go for larger sums than the old Danish Teknos.

The Tekno is on the left and the Jue in the middle. A Tekno Volvo is shown for comparison on the right.

The Scania cabs look very similar but are not the same casting. The tank trailers are completely different though. Which came first?? The Scania 76 came out in 1960 at Tekno.

However, if you turn them over, the two cabs have very similar chassis designs. The axles are attached in the same manner with the same 4 pins on the front. The cab is riveted down in the same place. The words are cast in the same place - too many similarities, I think, so that one design had to have copied the other.
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Re: Tekno vs Jue - the Scania Vabis 76

Post by SMS88 »

So little is known even today about pre 1975 Latin American diecast that just seeing photos of some is an eye opener! Tekno are not known for copying anyone else and made a wealth of original designs so its safe to bet on the Brazilian being the copy of the Tekno.Hopefully the internet will get Latin American collectors to share more diecast history online so that we can learn rather than just buy fake Brazilian Matchbox Superfast from ebay!