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Polistil / Politoys Alfa.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 9:49 pm
by starni999
Hi all,
I've been picking up a few models that I loved as a kid, and this was one of my faves, Politoys Alfa Police estate car:
Had my old one from the Midland Educational in Birmingham about '73 '74, they were only sold there, and I knew very little about them as it's all in Italian, but there was quite a range.
This one has a faded box, but is perfect inside, and even still has it's collectors card.
Chris Warr.

Re: Polistil / Politoys Alfa.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 8:54 am
by SMS88
Their 1960s castings were generally superb masterpieces of engineering with some like the Muira the best the diecast world has ever seen.I have a fair collection of this makerĀ“s toys but I wouldnt let this over width Alfa in the door because its a cartoon of the real car in my eyes. The range shown on the back of the box contains the very nice last and simplest of the 1960s castings (VW1600,Fiat 125 + Renault 16) plus the first of an increasing number of cruder efforts that cost much less to make and were more robust for the much lower average age users from the 1970s, a time where almost no kids over 10 collected toy cars yet prior to 1970 upto 16 was a normal age to still get toys cars......

Re: Polistil / Politoys Alfa.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 5:09 pm
by mike
Hello Chris,
A little original. (Or a similar original police car)
From my photo collection Ennstal- Classic 2014.

Christmas greetings from Austria
Mike & Nico

Re: Polistil / Politoys Alfa.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 5:46 pm
by starni999
Cheers Mike.

Re: Polistil / Politoys Alfa.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 5:29 am
by karl
I do like the look if that 'station wagon' even if it looks like its been lowered and chopped! :-) Mine is not boxed and the shiny plastic base is melted so badly it has pulled away from the body. :-( The other E series Alfa that I have is a better casting, I think, but still a toy car.

Re: Polistil / Politoys Alfa.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 11:55 am
by Fox
It remembers me holidays in Roma. It was in 1981, and our car had be stolen while we were at the beach...
So we didn't have any single Lira, and were in bath costum...
Carabinieri said they couldn't transport civilians. But they couldn't let us as nude, far from police office. So we went into an Alfa at about 170 km/h through traffic with the loud alarm.
So we arrived at the police station where we were always in bath costum at 11 p.m...
We spent one week and had many adventures (our dog was in the car when stolen for instance!) to finaly get back home.

I don't remember exactly what was the Alfa type. A sedan for sure.

Re: Polistil / Politoys Alfa.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:13 pm
by johnboy
Fox wrote:It remembers me holidays in Roma. It was in 1981, and our car had be stolen while we were at the beach...
So we didn't have any single Lira, and were in bath costum...
Carabinieri said they couldn't transport civilians. But they couldn't let us as nude, far from police office. So we went into an Alfa at about 170 km/h through traffic with the loud alarm.
So we arrived at the police station where we were always in bath costum at 11 p.m...
We spent one week and had many adventures (our dog was in the car when stolen for instance!) to finaly get back home.

I don't remember exactly what was the Alfa type. A sedan for sure.
That's amazing Fox. Was the car and your dog ever found?

Re: Polistil / Politoys Alfa.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 5:54 pm
by Fox
The dog because my mother stayed in Roma a day after insurance get us back home just to find it (we had a call the day of return saying somebody had seen him (a long long story I told you...)

The cars many months later and ruined.

Re: Polistil / Politoys Alfa.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:23 am
A lovely story Fox, and sad to hear of such incidences when property is destroyed and Family pets lives are at risk, however, you seem to have survived the adventure to a level where we can now laugh at it and it sounds just like the sort of situation you could see in a Peter Sellers film... :lol:

Thank's for sharing.

Re: Polistil / Politoys Alfa.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:52 am
by johnboy
GHOSTHUNTER wrote:A lovely story Fox, and sad to hear of such incidences when property is destroyed and Family pets lives are at risk, however, you seem to have survived the adventure to a level where we can now laugh at it and it sounds just like the sort of situation you could see in a Peter Sellers film... :lol:

Thank's for sharing.
It must have been awful at the time Fox but as Ghosty says, it could easily have been a Peter Sellers script.