Here is a new-Zealand model.
As you can see, it's smaller than a Matchbox. Of course it's fun and it's HO. It means 1/87 scale.
Rolls-Royce Phantom V Fun-HO
Rolls-Royce Phantom V Fun-HO
Corgi-toys ergo sum
Re: Rolls-Royce Phantom V Fun-HO
Corgi-toys ergo sum
Re: Rolls-Royce Phantom V Fun-HO
Those are superb, I've only seen a handful of Fun Ho! models over here and I've never seen a Rolls Royce, let alone four colours. Thanks for showing them.
There's nothing regular about wheels
There's nothing regular about wheels
Re: Rolls-Royce Phantom V Fun-HO
You're welcome !
It's a picture I made especialy for VBD forum this morning.
It's a picture I made especialy for VBD forum this morning.
Corgi-toys ergo sum
Re: Rolls-Royce Phantom V Fun-HO
Corgi-toys ergo sum
Re: Rolls-Royce Phantom V Fun-HO
Below is my Fun-Ho Phantom V family. I always wonder how many colour variations there are in total...
Re: Rolls-Royce Phantom V Fun-HO
Nice collection !
About 30 I presume, but have to look all yours. Because perhaps are they some I didn't now.
About 30 I presume, but have to look all yours. Because perhaps are they some I didn't now.
Corgi-toys ergo sum
Re: Rolls-Royce Phantom V Fun-HO
Yes !!! \o/
The silver one is a "new" variation to me, according to the RR model bible.
Ghosty could confirm that.
The silver one is a "new" variation to me, according to the RR model bible.
Ghosty could confirm that.
Corgi-toys ergo sum
Re: Rolls-Royce Phantom V Fun-HO
You guys are crazy! Wow, what rainbows! I visited NZ a lomg time ago and got some beat up ones. Then got some of the reissues from a store the UK - not this RR though. But never seen that many in one place before!
Re: Rolls-Royce Phantom V Fun-HO
Karl, do you know more about this brand ?
I don't know about years of production and even didn't know there were reproductions.
Could the some of the Rolls-Royce be reproductions ?
Do you know how to recognize them ?
I don't know about years of production and even didn't know there were reproductions.
Could the some of the Rolls-Royce be reproductions ?
Do you know how to recognize them ?
Corgi-toys ergo sum