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Shades of red on 35a

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 8:07 pm
by Ewan
I notice the only mention on the site of a darker red 35a is in the variation table at the end, with one bpw variant given as 'darker red'. I have another with gpw which arrived in a lot of beaters this week. Is this quite common and not worthy of mention or a possible new variation? I don't have anything accurate enough to measure 0.5mm differences in wheel sizes so can't code it for you, it does have the infill on the body below the step though.
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Re: Shades of red on 35a

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:28 am
by kerbside
It is not always dicussed because I think that every Red coloured model made, will found in many colours (Shades) of Red.



George T.

Re: Shades of red on 35a

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 9:00 am
by Diecast
Nice spotted Ewan. I have this variaton by BPW only. It seems that this variation could be by early models also. I thihk that one of your models has plastic wheels and second one has metal wheels (and not plastic wheels). Metal wheels are a little bit larger. Please check it.

Re: Shades of red on 35a

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 10:19 am
by kerbside
Here are three shades of Red bases.


Two shades of Red on two MW bases.


Again we have the darker shade of tan plastic, the dark plastic is on the 1st casting.


Then to cap it all off the BPW model with-out any Silver trim.


George T.

Re: Shades of red on 35a

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 11:19 am
by Ewan
Diecast wrote:Nice spotted Ewan. I have this variaton by BPW only. It seems that this variation could be by early models also. I thihk that one of your models has plastic wheels and second one has metal wheels (and not plastic wheels). Metal wheels are a little bit larger. Please check it.
Yes, the lighter red model has metal wheels, it is only in the picture to provide a comparison.