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41c Ford GT40 Base rivet question
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 8:46 pm
by nearlymint
Recently picked up this model, bought it for the early box.
Noticed the base rivets look like they have been done by hand. Never seen this on any model that I have
in my collection. Maybe this was unpressed and was done by the buyer to keep it together when it was first purchased.
Early black base model with the darker red interior.
Has anyone seen base rivets like this before?
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Re: 41c Ford GT40 Base rivet question
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 8:55 pm
by Idris
Not me.
In my experience, factory hand-riveting always consists of reasonably neat chisel strokes (usually two at right angles to each other resulting in four cuts in the rivet's outer edge).
Re: 41c Ford GT40 Base rivet question
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:16 pm
by motorman
Wow Jason I wondered who won that, so it was you who beat me to it!!!
I thought the seller had priced the "buy it now" very low. So low that my suspiscions were raised an my initial thoughts was that the box must be a repro. I started to look at the listing and thought the box looked good and that the rivets on the Ford looked very strange, at this point i was more interested in getting the red script box so cheap!!! However once i had looked at the images on the listing and i clicked out to Buy it .......the listing has sod
Whilst i cannot explain the unusual appearance of the rivets i must congratulate you on getting that nice crisp red script box so cheaply...............that will teach me to hesitate!!!.
Re: 41c Ford GT40 Base rivet question
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:24 pm
by motorman
The front edge of the front rivet has retained a straight edge which suggests it was not factory pressed.
The marks around the rest of the rivet suggests to me that it has been closed by hand using a Centre punch rather than the chizeled edge we would expect to see if done by hand in the factory. The fact that the rivet has such a messy finish may be because it has been done by an amateur, previous owner/collector at sometime in its past.
Re: 41c Ford GT40 Base rivet question
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:45 pm
by nickjones
I would compare it with a similar standard model, look for any differences in the casting and also any flaws in the casting which could point to it being a pre pro that was cast using low pressure.
I don't think there was any definite method for closing the rivets in the R&D dept. chisel, screwdriver or punch, whatever tool was handy at the time.
Jason strikes again, well done mate!.
Re: 41c Ford GT40 Base rivet question
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 8:49 am
by SMS88
Rivits have clearly never been spun so it sure looks like the real deal from R&D ! Does indeed look like a centre punch has been used. Are the wheels solid with double digit numbers without letters??
Re: 41c Ford GT40 Base rivet question
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 9:07 am
by nearlymint
I have been imformed that its a misaligned tool, if you look closely you can see where the centre of the tool hit the base.
While checking I did notice on the 2 black base models that I have to hand, the lack of rear brace across the back of the model.
Not sure when it appears on the model but a green base model and the one pictured has this brace. Will have to get the others out and check.
- 41c
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Re: 41c Ford GT40 Base rivet question
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 4:34 pm
Nice find Jason...AGAIN!
The lack of the rear inner body brace is interesting and does steer the 'deformed rivet' model into very early production and (hopefully for you), possible 'Pre-Pro' territory (although you have been here before, many times!!), it is always nice to find another one.
I think I can see tread patterns on the outer edge of the wheels, so this should put them into early production as well and as "SMS88" mentions they will or should have single or double letter mouldings codes or perhaps a single letter and a number, maybe you will post what they are.
Who else can look at their 'GT40' models for any castings without the rear inner body brace and include the wheel number codes (if you can read them!), thanks.
Re: 41c Ford GT40 Base rivet question
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 5:49 pm
by mbox75
Hi Everyone
and here two Bpl compare.
Cheers Mathias
Re: 41c Ford GT40 Base rivet question
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:34 pm
by Lummox
All four of my black base white GTs have no brace, and the darker red interior.
The wheels numbers on the one I got late in 1969 are 47H, 41H, 38H, and 4H.
Hope this helps, and congrats on yet another great find!