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Complete 1-75

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:12 am
by Taniwha
I have finally managed to complete a set of 1-75 of a single box type - the race has been tight, as I have only needed one of each of type B and type G for some time. In the end, type G won the race:


Still a couple of type G boxes to get, but not many. I think it will take a while to finish the other three types with all the numbers 1-75, but it is really nice to finish one of them off. Now for those outstanding type B, D and E boxes...


Re: Complete 1-75

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:44 am
by Martin Avis
That's a lovely sight! Congratulations.

Which ones do you still need?

My own B box collection is still missing three - 34, 46 and 75.


Re: Complete 1-75

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 11:30 am
by Dr Jazz
Looks great :-)

Re: Complete 1-75

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 1:33 pm
by johnboy
They do look great, that takes dedication!

Re: Complete 1-75

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 2:03 pm
Well done Gavin, a great achievement, what's your next goal!!


Re: Complete 1-75

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 2:17 pm
by SMS88
Very nice -perhaps I will get this far one day too!

Re: Complete 1-75

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:11 pm
by matchboxkiwi
Congratulations Gavin. They look fantastic together like that. I remember buying my first two superfast from Whitcolls on Lamdton Quay in Wellington for 50 cents each and they had them displayed like that in the shop. I've always wanted a set of those boxes.
I wonder how many sets there are in New Zealand?

Cheers Steve

Re: Complete 1-75

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 8:07 am
by Taniwha
GHOSTHUNTER wrote:Well done Gavin, a great achievement, what's your next goal!!

Thanks for all your kind comments chaps. Ghosty, my ultimate goal is one of every major box type for every Lesney model 1953 to 1982. I probably have in the region of 250 to go altogether, including at least three more type G boxes. They are expensive ones, so might be a while before I get them. It has taken at least 15 years to get all these, since I got first one, the 65c combine back in around 1998/1999.

Because I have at least one example of every 1-75 casting in this period, these days most of my collecting focus is on the boxes, as it is becoming more difficult to find variations of the models I don't already have, or are out of my price range. In the next couple of years, at my current acquisition rate, it will be a similar case with boxes, as there are certain box types I think I may never find or have the opportunity to buy because of the expense.


Re: Complete 1-75

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 8:18 am
by Taniwha
Martin Avis wrote:That's a lovely sight! Congratulations.

Which ones do you still need?

My own B box collection is still missing three - 34, 46 and 75.

Hi Martin,

Still looking for more than 20 B boxes altogether, but #50 is the only number I'm missing. I've picked up 5 or 6 this year, but the B boxes can be quite challenging to find here in NZ. Most of the ones I see coming up I have already these days, although quite a few are in poor condition, so I might have to start upgrading soon while I wait for the elusive ones!

Here's a pic from a few years back showing where I was up to then - I've added quite a few since:


Looking at this, I've also more than doubled my type A and C boxes since I took this picture too!


Re: Complete 1-75

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 8:22 pm
Hello Gavin, I hope you complete them in the near future and enjoy your collections. Concentrating on the boxes is unusual and I admire you for that, so well done. When you have completed them, you will of course take good clear photos of all of them for posterity and for other collectors to use as a reference work.
