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46b two strikes

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 12:57 pm
by Kiwi78
I have noticed that any rare or hard to find variations don't come up here in New Zealand too often, at least if you rely purely on local online auctions and don't check ebay, so I was happy to find this lot last week. The Beales is genuine, the transfer/decal has the dot and is sort of "triangular" shaped when held against the light. Strike two was the green with black wheels which has the rear bumper step. I couldn't tell from the auction picture and just went for the Beales but it's a nice bonus. I made the seller an offer, hoping he would accept, and he did. I believe I paid less than I could have so it's all good.

Sorry for the bad iPad pictures, I haven't gotten around to a proper session yet.






Re: 46b two strikes

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 4:55 am
by kwakers
Two very nice tough variations to find Kiwi78. I don't care where you live, E Bay helps by bringing us the rarest Toys, but it really is nice to be able to shop locally to find some reasonable 'tough' models like you have. Keep those sharp eyes working! kwakers

Re: 46b two strikes

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:52 am
by tractorboy
Great finds - were these on ™ (bugger auto correct) or eBay?

The rear step version is hard to find & to spot.

Re: 46b two strikes

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:53 pm
by Kiwi78
Hi tractorboy,

I shop entirely on trademe so that's where they came from. With the green transporter/rear step I took my chances, it was a bonus because the listing photo didn't show it. I focused entirely on the Beales and don't think I've overpaid. I've seen one or two others listed in the last twelve months and haven't been as sure as I was with this one.

Re: 46b two strikes

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:58 pm
by durangokid
Excellent group to get all together!! Well done and congratulations! A great group to add to your collection.


Re: 46b two strikes

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:37 pm
by Kiwi78
The green with silver wheels will most likely be a spare but I had to take a shot at this auction, didn't I. Very low price, considering. :D I think a decent group photo will be in order next week.
