41b code 15 with #6

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41b code 15 with #6

Post by Rooster »

I have been looking for this model for years . I have never ever seen one in any condition. What is the story on this model. Has anyone seen or own one , Is it possible to own ? is the faking with sticker changes so rampant one could never be sure so if you have a fake or an original ? I guess it would make no difference as no one would ever believe that the one you have is real and therefore you can't ever sell .
Please help!
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Re: 41b code 15 with #6

Post by durangokid »

I do have this model and acquired it about 5 or so years ago. It is playworn and meets the specifications set out in Stannards and Nick Jones Code #16 including the red number six decals that were mainly used for the #6B Model of Yesteryear model. I did not acquire it new so it is difficult to determine if it is original (decals fairly easy to fake) but I really don't have reason to believe it is not genuine.
I will see if I have a photo so I can post it. Photobucket is acting up right now.................. and the model is currently stored away.
