61a Ferret Scout Car

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61a Ferret Scout Car

Post by Idris »

The NAMC’s “Catalog of all Series Matchbox Models” (first edition) lists two models not listed by Nick (or anyone else). The first, coded 61-1a is a 3-line base with four closed toolboxes and 12.5 x 30 BPW. The second (coded both as 61-1b and 61-1c, the difference being the direction in which the driver is facing) is a 3-line base with only the front right toolbox filled in and 12.5 x 30 BPW. I would suggest that whilst variation 61-1a is credible since it could arise from emptying the stockroom at the end of the model's life, variation 61-1b/c is not since everyone else catalogues the rear right toolbox as being the first to be filled in. The first variation would fit into Nick's table at position 16, with the existing codes 16 and 17 becoming 17 and 18.
None of the AIM “1-75 Series Regular Wheels” catalogue (second printing, 1983), Houghton or Stannard contains any unlisted variations, and neither does U.K. Matchbox which covered the model in volume 7, no. 5 (December 1983), p170.
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Re: 61a Ferret Scout Car

Post by nearlymint »

Nicks code 16 with the letter B.
61a with B
61a with B
61a.JPG (144.45 KiB) Viewed 1951 times
Check my swaps page(rest has been under construction for years :))