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Big Matchbox lot bought.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 2:58 am
by cody6268
MB lot 1.JPG
MB lot 1.JPG (275.9 KiB) Viewed 807 times
I finally decided to take the risk and buy something from Ebay. I paid $19.50 for all of these,which averages out to about $1.22 a car, which to me is good. There are two relatively new ones, and several (the Monteverdi Hai, Claas Combine Harvester, and Mercedes Ambulance) are upgrades from ones in relatively poor shape. Many of the rest (the Foamite Crash Tender, Ford Pickup, and Ford Galaxie, and Ford Mustang) I'm finally glad that I've now got them as they've been on my list for about three years.

The pictures are not mine, they're the sellers. I will post my own as soon as the lot arrives.

Re: Big Matchbox lot bought.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 7:24 pm
Hello Cody6268, nice 'Lot' you got there, it would be nice to see the Combine Harvester pictured on it's own, especially the other side of the model showing the side ladder and I like the pale blue Iso Griffo, don't know why, it's just different somehow, thank's for showing them and look forward to more detailed pictures of those models.


Re: Big Matchbox lot bought.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 11:38 pm
by cody6268
I've taken pictures of everyone but the Bradley and Humvee. I would have been about three when these models were new. But these look cheap when compared to the classics, which make up the most of the lot.

I also need some advice. How do I get the pink stain off the grille of the F100 Pickup without damaging anything other than the stain?

Note: Second Claas Combine isn't part of the lot. It's just to show that neither have the open ladder rungs.

Re: Big Matchbox lot bought.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 5:54 am
by matchboxtom
It is great to buy lots when you are able to get some models you do not have

Re: Big Matchbox lot bought.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 5:25 pm
by motorman
Hi Cody6268, welcome to the forum

Looks like you need some photography tips as everything in the foreground is very out of focus yet the background is clear.

What camera are you using to take your images?

I should point out that there are quite a few members here who can give great advice on photography. Our resident Ghosty knows a thing or two.

I am no expert but it looks as though your camera has its focal point focused to far meaning everything close to the camera is out focus. Why dont you change the set up on the camera to automatic focus setting or use the macro setting if you have one for close up images? :)

Re: Big Matchbox lot bought.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 5:39 pm
Hello Cody6268, thank's for showing your models as single items and a shame the Combine Harvester has the closed side ladder!

Yes, "Motorman" is correct, you have got the subject model too close to the Camera, have a look at this thread for some hints and tips...
