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Ewan's 2014 Finds

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:00 pm
by Ewan
The alternative title for this thread could be 'How to break your own rules' :D

During a quiet spell over Christmas/New Year I took stock of what I had, and didn't have in the collection and came up with a sort of 'policy' on how to fill the numerous gaps and continue to fund it with the online shop. Deciding that the world of ebay joblots was still the way to go I set myself some boundaries. Firstly - aim a little higher. I don't mean 'mint boxed' here, just a level or two up from some of the 'one step away from beater box' diecasts which have come into my possession over the last year. Secondly - try to restrict myself to keeping one model from each lot, otherwise the self financing nature of my collecting falls apart. Lastly, put the SuperKing collecting on hold until the finances significantly improve. Seeing as I am a man with only one vice, that of temptation, the last of those self imposed rules was broken by around January the 18th......

I started well, a joblot of 5, the one keeper being a 4d Stake Truck which at least has intact stakes. I should point out at this stage that my collection is still very much in it's infancy and I am lacking many commonplace models. I shall not bore you with photos. Unfortunately said 4d came complete wih out of scale model sacks superglued into the body so really, rule 1 went then. Next lot came shortly after, the keeper being a Superfast #75 Ferrari Berlinetta. Now, I already have a 3b Bedford Tipper, it is one of my favourite castings. It also has gpw. In this lot there was a 3b with bpw and pretty good paint. It is however missing it's tailgate so I have told myself it's a beater and I must therefore keep it, ignoring the fact I sold one with no tailgate and worse paint last year. There goes Rule 2.

I got myself on track doing a bit of swapping with a fellow forum member, 3 models arrived and I kept the 28d Mack. Following this I had a successful beater clearout and this inflated the PayPal balance into dangerous territory - double figures! Whilst browsing the joblots once again I spotted a familiar shape in unfamiliar (to me at least) colours. Blinding myself to the total incompatibility of the rest of the joblot and my collecting I have in essence bought a SuperKings K37/2 Leyland Tipper in silver and red rather than the more usual yellow and red. It just so happens to have come with a load of Matchbox International stuff. There goes Rule 3.

I have no idea what the story is with the Leyland. I'll put more details in the 'Kings' thread and would be very grateful for more information. It isn't mint, but it isn't too bad either. I don't know if it's an early colour scheme, a late colour scheme or something random. I do rather like it though :D
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I've had a good look through Christian's excellent site with all the modern stuff beside me and most of it looks pretty run of the mill. The Convoy tractor maybe a bit htf as it appears to have been made with these particular tampos for only one year and I can't find the PG Tags Chevrolet. I quite like the Tizer Supervan and XR4i (my grandfather had an XR4i) - were they part of a Twin Pack or a promotional or something? The refuse wagon is okay too although not as good as the D-Series was. The 'Carolina Crusher' monster truck appears to have it's origins in the 50c Kennel Truck and the small plastic 'pull back' Porsche has 2 different dates on the base. Anyway, if you're into Modern Matchbox and any of them interest you (except the Tizers and the Refuse Truck) please get in touch, otherwise my son's toy box will be in need of an extension :D
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Re: Ewan's 2014 Finds

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:38 pm
by ChFalkensteiner
Ewan wrote:The Convoy tractor maybe a bit htf as it appears to have been made with these particular tampos for only one year and I can't find the PG Tags Chevrolet.
I have not done the page for the MB 221 Chevy Lumina yet (nor any of the other NASCAR racers - those will be quite a bit of work, but maybe I will get to them this year).

The PG Tags issue is a promotional from the UK issued in 1991 and was quite difficult to get at the time - I remember the quote "some serious tea drinking is required" from MICA. :)

Re: Ewan's 2014 Finds

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:31 pm
by Ewan
ChFalkensteiner wrote:
Ewan wrote:The Convoy tractor maybe a bit htf as it appears to have been made with these particular tampos for only one year and I can't find the PG Tags Chevrolet.
I have not done the page for the MB 221 Chevy Lumina yet (nor any of the other NASCAR racers - those will be quite a bit of work, but maybe I will get to them this year).

The PG Tags issue is a promotional from the UK issued in 1991 and was quite difficult to get at the time - I remember the quote "some serious tea drinking is required" from MICA. :)
I'm guessing from that comment that there are a lot of NASCAR racers. I do like them, but am a little worried I'll end up trying to collect too many different things at once!

Re: Ewan's 2014 Finds

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:22 am
by shockwavediecast
Ewan wrote:
ChFalkensteiner wrote:
Ewan wrote:The Convoy tractor maybe a bit htf as it appears to have been made with these particular tampos for only one year and I can't find the PG Tags Chevrolet.
I have not done the page for the MB 221 Chevy Lumina yet (nor any of the other NASCAR racers - those will be quite a bit of work, but maybe I will get to them this year).

The PG Tags issue is a promotional from the UK issued in 1991 and was quite difficult to get at the time - I remember the quote "some serious tea drinking is required" from MICA. :)
I'm guessing from that comment that there are a lot of NASCAR racers. I do like them, but am a little worried I'll end up trying to collect too many different things at once!
If you only collect the Official Matchbox Lumina's there aren't too many. But if you include White Rose/ASAP releases then there's approx 100/110 variants. But once you start on White Rose, its a downward spiral, cos then you want the NASCAR Ford Thunderbirds, Pontiac GP Stocker & Chevy Monte Carlos. Then there's the Chevy Sedan Delivery, Chevy Super Truck & F800 truck. LOL

Re: Ewan's 2014 Finds

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:58 am
by Ewan
Who was I kidding - 1 keeper from each joblot.........
The 3 latest additions, nothing rare or htf, but 3 gaps filled with models that even have paint :D :D :D
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Re: Ewan's 2014 Finds

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:44 pm
by mike
Ewan wrote:Who was I kidding - 1 keeper from each joblot.........
The 3 latest additions, nothing rare or htf, but 3 gaps filled with models that even have paint :D :D :D
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very nice RW models, Congratulations.
:D Prost Mike :D

Re: Ewan's 2014 Finds

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:08 am
by Broughton
Nice models, Ewan, very nice! The common models I collect should all be mint (nearest mint :roll: ) - I like to watch them shine and gleam as just out of the shop.
If there are rare items, I turn a blind eye (is this english :?: ) and get them, even they are playworn, otherwise I can not afford it :lol:

Re: Ewan's 2014 Finds

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 9:03 am
by Ewan
Thanks to you both Broughton and Mike.
Last package of the month arrived yesterday, Superfast cars which aren't the cleanest ever. The main reason for this particular purchase was the Lincoln with little wheels in big arches. It's pretty ropey but I do like it - there is so much daylight under the arches it reminds me of the front end of a gasser :D
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I must have done something good recently, but I really don't know what, as the seller decided to throw in a freebie :D
To say I'm pleased is a bit of an understatement....

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Re: Ewan's 2014 Finds

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:26 pm
by Broughton
Hi Ewan,
the Lincoln looks great and a little getting used to, but nevertheless a fine piece (how would it look the other way round?)! :D

Re: Ewan's 2014 Finds

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 7:42 pm
by Ewan
Another one of my beloved playworn joblots on it's way :D
Spot the main reason for bidding.......
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It's a bit rough, and I hope there are decals on the side you can't see