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Guidelines (Please read before posting in this area!)

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 3:15 pm
by Idris
The purpose of this area is to pull together the available information on variations which do not (yet) feature in Nick’s online catalogue. Anyone may add information and/or comment on the variations described.
There are three categories of variations:
1) Those which have previously been documented in a reputable, published source. Obvious examples are AIM, NAMC, MICA, and UK Matchbox, with both magazines and catalogues included. When detailing such variations, please be sure to add sufficient information to enable the source to be quickly and correctly identified (e.g. edition, or volume/issue and page number).
2) Variations which should logically exist but which have not yet been reported. Please provide your argument as to why the suggested model is a credible variation.
3) Last but not least, variations held in individual collections. The description must be accompanied by sufficient photographs to realistically enable a judgement regarding authenticity to be made. (This will usually require close-up photographs of baseplate rivets).

Variations will be added to Nick’s catalogue on the basis of “Martin’s Maxim”, i.e., with the exception of casting variations, at least two examples of a particular model must be known - and accepted as genuine - before inclusion (which is solely at Nick’s discretion) will be considered.