Superfast Casting # 1
Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 8:19 pm
Models covered: -
1e Mercedes Covered Truck (1970, Twin-Pack 1976-82)
1f Mod Rod (1971-75)
1g Dodge Challenger (1976-81)
1h Dodge Challenger (1982)
motorman Mar 22 13 2:16 PM
Here is my one of my #1 Dodge Challengers with rare Red interior.
Click here to view the attachment (LINK COULD NOT BE FOUND OR REPAIRED)
motorman Mar 22 13 2:19 PM
Red wheel and Scorpion label #1 Mod Rods
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Click here to view the attachment (LINK COULD NOT BE FOUND OR REPAIRED)
motorman Mar 22 13 2:28 PM
#1 Mod Rod, with spotted cat label and Red interior.
Click here to view the attachment (LINK COULD NOT BE FOUND OR REPAIRED)
18power Mar 22 13 4:08 PM
Nice red interior Challenger Alex!...
I suppose according to Johnny's list to cover obviously one should start with the Merc SF trucks... Sorry I can't get to them now... For some strange reason my Mod Rods where at home.. (maybe cause I already took pictures of them a few months ago) I don't have many Mod Rods and I am no expert on them, they are also not coded sorry.. Anyway here are all the ones I have (I think) I probably have the black engine one and a few others stashed away with the MP-1 boxes.. Anyway here goes...

18power Mar 22 13 4:10 PM

18power Mar 22 13 4:16 PM
Also found most of my Challengers... Should have stopped like Johnny said at 1982/83 but I love this casting so kept going.. The 3rd Rebel with yellow checkered box is a 1983 UK base and UK box.. The 1st and 2nd are 1982 with both blue and white roof UK. The G15 set also with a normal red chrome interior..

18power Mar 22 13 4:30 PM
Hurrah!... Found a common golden Merc in my G box Cabinet... Also a TP 1 with Merc

vetrad Mar 22 13 7:22 PM
I’m away from my models at the moment but I have these pictures handy. I am sure I have a few more stashed elsewhere. -David
No tampo, silver base:

No tampo unpainted base:

No tampo white roof:

Roof shades:

No side tampo, silver base:

No side tampo unpainted base:


Blue Shades:

Red Shades:

Dot dash:

White with some windows:

Interior shades:

Large versus small rear casting:

Silver streak with mod rod base:

Sun label:

No label small spokes:

Wildcat label shades:

Silver base (have this in scorpion, red interior and orange interior):

Drab Olive:

Drab Olive:

Blue with blue:

Blue with purple:

Peek a boo!

schenk Mar 23 13 12:45 AM
Hi Naji, David
Thank you for very, very nice photos. I'm not expert on Superfast models, completely red neck (as I was called here when I started with RW). But I have a lot of SF-models in my collection and your very illustrative photos will help me to orientate in my models. From experience I know that there is a lot of variations on the baseplates of the SF-model. I'd like to ask you to make more photos of the baseplates also.
johnnypimp Mar 23 13 5:39 AM
Lots of variations to enjoy already (although we appear to have lost Motorman's photos for now!).
As a collector who stops short of castings introduced from 1972 onwards, I don't have an awful lot to contribute to the #1 slot, just a few 1e Merc trucks.
No casting variations on these as far as I am aware, although the later trucks have an unpunched roof rivet.
It may be worth dropping box variations in this thread too.
18power Mar 23 13 6:19 AM
Just found a couple more Mercs.. My single Boxed ones are still packed..
John covered most canopy and shades variations.. You are right David baseplate pictures are essential for each model.. maybe later..

motorman Mar 23 13 6:30 AM
That's a superb selection of #1's, thanks for listing them. I have such a long way to go to collect all these variations!
rian0427 Mar 27 13 11:08 PM
Wow, excellent models. I am very far.
My number 1 is restored.
Before and after.
Click here to view the attachment (LINK COULD NOT BE FOUND OR REPAIRED)
Click here to view the attachment (LINK COULD NOT BE FOUND OR REPAIRED)
familybucket43 Mar 28 13 3:26 AM
Dont forget the roof!!!!
vetrad Mar 28 13 7:01 PM
Love the “chop top” Challenger. It at least needs a rollbar! Thanks for the nice words motorman. Here are a few more nice 1’s.
Merc Truck with chrome hubs:

Mod Rod with 4 spoke front:

Brazil Challenger (discolored window):

dk red, Brazil org-red, lt red:

Prepro Challenger:

Prepro versus Brazil (etched) base:

mathiaszogg Apr 3 13 5:21 AM
Hi All
here my Nr 1 Collection.Cheers Mathias.

mathiaszogg Apr 3 13 5:26 AM
next one

matchboxuk Apr 3 13 6:31 AM
I hope the photo is clear enough. This is the Gold Challenge Dodge Challenger which was not issued as it was replaced by the new Dodge Viper.
motorman Apr 3 13 12:13 PM
That's a great display of #1 models
Where have you been of late??
sms88 Apr 11 13 11:22 AM
1971 Continental Europe + Canada blister
mathiaszogg Apr 20 13 1:58 PM
Hi All
here more Pictures with Scorpions Label and gray Base and diffrent red Wheels.Cheers Mathias.

vetrad Apr 25 13 7:02 PM
Here is a variant I do not see listed on Nicks catalog. A powder blue IMS truck with the earlier "B" casting without the support above the gas tanks instead of the "C" casting with the supports. The "B" casting model is a slightly lighter, less intense blue shade but this is fairly subtle.
brad pittiful Apr 26 13 5:04 PM
mathiaszogg May 6 13 11:42 PM
Hi All
here with diffrend Cabcasting.Cheers Mathias

pierkemimi May 24 13 12:54 PM

mathiaszogg Jun 20 13 11:10 AM
Hi All
This variant also still missing; with black Engine.Cheers Mathias.

motorman Jun 20 13 12:35 PM
I was wondering when someone would post an image of the black engined Mod rod.
This is one i don't have in my collection and i have been put off bidding on them because the are so easy to fake. To my knowledge there is any way to tell if the engine has been swapped which really begs the question why do they sell for such a premium over a standard Mod Rod.
One day i will probably buy one, maybe the next time Graham at Rockertron has one for sale.
I dont think i could bring myself to do a straight engine swap from a Silver Streak, i couldn't live with myself, it really goes against my principles...............although it is tempting.
familybucket43 Jun 20 13 2:59 PM
I`ve been told its an easy swap,and speaking of swaps,(danny) blinga1 has another superfast sale on ebay starting today!!!!!!!!!
shockwavetrading Jun 20 13 3:42 PM
amor Jun 26 13 8:22 AM
ok, here are some brazilians, I have not all my brazilian models pictured, but some
amor Jun 26 13 8:29 AM
and some brazilian mod rods,
I have much more red metallic models and also in white, grey, black a.s.o, very interesting are the 3 different shades of metallic blue
I hope you enjoy the pictures
amor Jun 26 13 8:37 AM
some prepros
johnnypimp Aug 22 13 1:15 PM
*Updated models list*
01e MERCEDES TRUCK (1970, twinpack 1976-1982)
01f MOD ROD / SILVER STREAK (1971-1975, USA #I 1978, multipack 1979)
01g DODGE CHALLENGER / Revin Rebel (1976-1982*, twinpack 1982)
1e Mercedes Covered Truck (1970, Twin-Pack 1976-82)
1f Mod Rod (1971-75)
1g Dodge Challenger (1976-81)
1h Dodge Challenger (1982)
motorman Mar 22 13 2:16 PM
Here is my one of my #1 Dodge Challengers with rare Red interior.
Click here to view the attachment (LINK COULD NOT BE FOUND OR REPAIRED)
motorman Mar 22 13 2:19 PM
Red wheel and Scorpion label #1 Mod Rods
Click here to view the attachment (LINK COULD NOT BE FOUND OR REPAIRED)
Click here to view the attachment (LINK COULD NOT BE FOUND OR REPAIRED)
motorman Mar 22 13 2:28 PM
#1 Mod Rod, with spotted cat label and Red interior.
Click here to view the attachment (LINK COULD NOT BE FOUND OR REPAIRED)
18power Mar 22 13 4:08 PM
Nice red interior Challenger Alex!...
I suppose according to Johnny's list to cover obviously one should start with the Merc SF trucks... Sorry I can't get to them now... For some strange reason my Mod Rods where at home.. (maybe cause I already took pictures of them a few months ago) I don't have many Mod Rods and I am no expert on them, they are also not coded sorry.. Anyway here are all the ones I have (I think) I probably have the black engine one and a few others stashed away with the MP-1 boxes.. Anyway here goes...

18power Mar 22 13 4:10 PM

18power Mar 22 13 4:16 PM
Also found most of my Challengers... Should have stopped like Johnny said at 1982/83 but I love this casting so kept going.. The 3rd Rebel with yellow checkered box is a 1983 UK base and UK box.. The 1st and 2nd are 1982 with both blue and white roof UK. The G15 set also with a normal red chrome interior..

18power Mar 22 13 4:30 PM
Hurrah!... Found a common golden Merc in my G box Cabinet... Also a TP 1 with Merc

vetrad Mar 22 13 7:22 PM
I’m away from my models at the moment but I have these pictures handy. I am sure I have a few more stashed elsewhere. -David
No tampo, silver base:

No tampo unpainted base:

No tampo white roof:

Roof shades:

No side tampo, silver base:

No side tampo unpainted base:


Blue Shades:

Red Shades:

Dot dash:

White with some windows:

Interior shades:

Large versus small rear casting:

Silver streak with mod rod base:

Sun label:

No label small spokes:

Wildcat label shades:

Silver base (have this in scorpion, red interior and orange interior):

Drab Olive:

Drab Olive:

Blue with blue:

Blue with purple:

Peek a boo!

schenk Mar 23 13 12:45 AM
Hi Naji, David
Thank you for very, very nice photos. I'm not expert on Superfast models, completely red neck (as I was called here when I started with RW). But I have a lot of SF-models in my collection and your very illustrative photos will help me to orientate in my models. From experience I know that there is a lot of variations on the baseplates of the SF-model. I'd like to ask you to make more photos of the baseplates also.
johnnypimp Mar 23 13 5:39 AM
Lots of variations to enjoy already (although we appear to have lost Motorman's photos for now!).
As a collector who stops short of castings introduced from 1972 onwards, I don't have an awful lot to contribute to the #1 slot, just a few 1e Merc trucks.
No casting variations on these as far as I am aware, although the later trucks have an unpunched roof rivet.
It may be worth dropping box variations in this thread too.
18power Mar 23 13 6:19 AM
Just found a couple more Mercs.. My single Boxed ones are still packed..
John covered most canopy and shades variations.. You are right David baseplate pictures are essential for each model.. maybe later..

motorman Mar 23 13 6:30 AM
That's a superb selection of #1's, thanks for listing them. I have such a long way to go to collect all these variations!
rian0427 Mar 27 13 11:08 PM
Wow, excellent models. I am very far.
My number 1 is restored.
Before and after.
Click here to view the attachment (LINK COULD NOT BE FOUND OR REPAIRED)
Click here to view the attachment (LINK COULD NOT BE FOUND OR REPAIRED)
familybucket43 Mar 28 13 3:26 AM
Dont forget the roof!!!!
vetrad Mar 28 13 7:01 PM
Love the “chop top” Challenger. It at least needs a rollbar! Thanks for the nice words motorman. Here are a few more nice 1’s.
Merc Truck with chrome hubs:

Mod Rod with 4 spoke front:

Brazil Challenger (discolored window):

dk red, Brazil org-red, lt red:

Prepro Challenger:

Prepro versus Brazil (etched) base:

mathiaszogg Apr 3 13 5:21 AM
Hi All
here my Nr 1 Collection.Cheers Mathias.

mathiaszogg Apr 3 13 5:26 AM
next one

matchboxuk Apr 3 13 6:31 AM
I hope the photo is clear enough. This is the Gold Challenge Dodge Challenger which was not issued as it was replaced by the new Dodge Viper.
motorman Apr 3 13 12:13 PM
That's a great display of #1 models
Where have you been of late??
sms88 Apr 11 13 11:22 AM
1971 Continental Europe + Canada blister
mathiaszogg Apr 20 13 1:58 PM
Hi All
here more Pictures with Scorpions Label and gray Base and diffrent red Wheels.Cheers Mathias.

vetrad Apr 25 13 7:02 PM
Here is a variant I do not see listed on Nicks catalog. A powder blue IMS truck with the earlier "B" casting without the support above the gas tanks instead of the "C" casting with the supports. The "B" casting model is a slightly lighter, less intense blue shade but this is fairly subtle.
brad pittiful Apr 26 13 5:04 PM
mathiaszogg May 6 13 11:42 PM
Hi All
here with diffrend Cabcasting.Cheers Mathias

pierkemimi May 24 13 12:54 PM

mathiaszogg Jun 20 13 11:10 AM
Hi All
This variant also still missing; with black Engine.Cheers Mathias.

motorman Jun 20 13 12:35 PM
I was wondering when someone would post an image of the black engined Mod rod.
This is one i don't have in my collection and i have been put off bidding on them because the are so easy to fake. To my knowledge there is any way to tell if the engine has been swapped which really begs the question why do they sell for such a premium over a standard Mod Rod.
One day i will probably buy one, maybe the next time Graham at Rockertron has one for sale.
I dont think i could bring myself to do a straight engine swap from a Silver Streak, i couldn't live with myself, it really goes against my principles...............although it is tempting.
familybucket43 Jun 20 13 2:59 PM
I`ve been told its an easy swap,and speaking of swaps,(danny) blinga1 has another superfast sale on ebay starting today!!!!!!!!!
shockwavetrading Jun 20 13 3:42 PM
Yes I'm bidding carefullyI`ve been told its an easy swap,and speaking of swaps,(danny) blinga1 has another superfast sale on ebay starting today!!!!!!!!!
amor Jun 26 13 8:22 AM
ok, here are some brazilians, I have not all my brazilian models pictured, but some

amor Jun 26 13 8:29 AM
and some brazilian mod rods,
I have much more red metallic models and also in white, grey, black a.s.o, very interesting are the 3 different shades of metallic blue

amor Jun 26 13 8:37 AM
some prepros

johnnypimp Aug 22 13 1:15 PM
*Updated models list*
01e MERCEDES TRUCK (1970, twinpack 1976-1982)
01f MOD ROD / SILVER STREAK (1971-1975, USA #I 1978, multipack 1979)
01g DODGE CHALLENGER / Revin Rebel (1976-1982*, twinpack 1982)