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24b Weatherill hydraulic excavator

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 12:25 pm
by Diecast
Some time ago Gary has found an unusual 24b Weatherill where the grill detail was omitted. I was looking for it long time and today I had good luck. I can confirm this variation also. I think that it is a very late casting variation (and not the very early variation, as mentioned under the photo on the 24b page)

Re: 24b Weatherill hydraulic excavator

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 12:42 pm
by Idris
Looking at the photograph, I find myself wondering whether this is a genuine (i.e. deliberate) variation, or whether it should be classified as an 'oops'. My reason for saying this is that I think the lack of grill recesses could simply be the result of die misalignment (or perhaps wear) rather than retooling.
I would be grateful if Antonin would examine the 'no grille' variation for any other differences which might support the wear.misalignment idea.

Re: 24b Weatherill hydraulic excavator

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:02 pm
by Diecast
Hi Hugh
You're right with regard to the grill recesses (it could be simply the result of misalignment or perhaps the wear, as you said). But I wanted to show you the lack of the negative depression (or infill) of the grill, which is very good to see on the outer edges of the body.

Re: 24b Weatherill hydraulic excavator

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:49 pm
by Tinman
This detail has always been weak (at best ) on the right hand side of the grille.

Re: 24b Weatherill hydraulic excavator

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:26 pm
by nickjones
I don't think it is an oops, If the dies were not fully closed up the whole of the front of the body would also be extended and the inside of the WH lettering of the grille would be flashed over. just my opinion. Nice find Antonin.