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Re: "Ghosty" adds NON Rolls-Royce models to his collection!!
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 9:31 pm
Re: "Ghosty" adds NON Rolls-Royce models to his collection!!
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 6:26 pm
I have been out busy Today, but while out around Town, I found a new Pound shop opened up, just had to have look and saw this 'Hot Wheels' Aston Martin DB5 in Red and decided I had to have it, I like Aston Martin cars but I don't buy enough toys and models of them so this has now joined my non Rolls-Royce collection, price was, er, a Pound (£1)...

- 'Hot Wheels' Aston Martin DB5..jpg (165.93 KiB) Viewed 5636 times
Re: "Ghosty" adds NON Rolls-Royce models to his collection!!
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 6:54 pm
by Lee@kai76
Kai has got one of those too in silver, also from the pound shop...I liked it myself.
Re: "Ghosty" adds NON Rolls-Royce models to his collection!!
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 7:23 pm
Lee@kai76 wrote:Kai has got one of those too in silver, also from the pound shop...I liked it myself.
What with Rolls-Royce and Aston Martin, Kai certainly has good taste, wonder what he wil be driving when grown up, does he know yet...
Re: "Ghosty" adds NON Rolls-Royce models to his collection!!
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 10:02 pm
by Lee@kai76
Hi Ghosthunter
Any of the 2 mentioned would certainly make me happy to be chauffeured around in

knowing my luck he will want some kind of tacky big exhausted subaru
I don't know what car I would advise him to get as I like so many different kinds myself, aswell as the prestigious British and German cars I also love American muscle cars as you probably guessed by my avatar, the mustang is definitely among my top few cars.
I also am a big fan of bikes, especially some of the old triumph type bikes and a few harleys.
Oh I just remembered he always tells me he wants a fire engine or a truck.
Re: "Ghosty" adds NON Rolls-Royce models to his collection!!
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 10:19 pm
by Lee@kai76
I forgot to mention I picked him up a pair of no 44 phantoms up earlier today from ebay, I already have a couple but seller was selling both together and they look different in colour to the two I have already got.
Re: "Ghosty" adds NON Rolls-Royce models to his collection!!
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 10:40 pm
Tell Kai I am looking forward to seeing his Two new Phantoms...
Re: "Ghosty" adds NON Rolls-Royce models to his collection!!
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:42 am
Not much for me at the NEC Birmingham toy fair, a few cheap 'Yesteryear' Rolls-Royce models for duplicates, the Oxford Diecast Phantom III I promised myself and another #40 'Royal' Tiger Coach with Grey wheels, my Second example and quite handy because my First example found a new home at "Fixer's" House.

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My first example cost all of £4, this one was £5, might try and find a box for it because it is quite 'Minty'.
Re: "Ghosty" adds NON Rolls-Royce models to his collection!!
Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 1:05 pm
My birthday present has arrived, so here are the pictures.
The original ebay picture, this prompted me to investigate further hoping more pictures were showing the underside.

- My Birthday present is here!.jpg (71.49 KiB) Viewed 5530 times
My picture with the models posed exactly the same.

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My luck was in and it was the early No Brace version.

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For completeness here are more pictures.

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The Denver Fire Truck is a bonus because it turns out to be a 'Code 1', the Yellow Dodge is clearly missing the back so will just sit in my parts box and go to toy fairs with me for 50p.
So for £5.19 2 very nice models.
The 8 wheel crane has had some Navel ensign labels stuck over it and the general paintwork is a little dull. I may try and remove the labels and give the model some sort of clean, but there's no hurry, just pleased to have secured it for my collection, these don't come along very often...
Re: "Ghosty" adds NON Rolls-Royce models to his collection!!
Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 3:16 pm
by Sir_Matchbox_96
This is a really nice addition! I don't know how many of these I turned over and got disappointed

still on the hunt..
And by the way, afterwards: All my best wishes to your Birthday Ghosty!
I was a bit absent the last time, but always read the news on the Forum