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Re: Squid's latest finds

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 12:02 am
Bob mentions earlier this Rolls-Royce is issue 9 and I agree with that as a model that matches the white book listing.
Enhanced images above with some added sharpness.

Some time back a forum member asked me if I had a spare issue 9 and while essentially I did have, I had to report back there were in fact several models that when looked at could easily fit the issue 9 criteria so it was not easy choosing a single model with the issue 9 status, it needs extending to issue 9, 9A, 9B, and 9C etc, etc, and this will apply to many more models in the white book.


Re: Squid's latest finds

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 12:56 am
by Squid
Eventually I'll get myself a working computer and a DSLR, or at least some photo-editing software, so Ghosty doesn't have to enhance my images! Though I'm admittedly not much of a variation collector, I find the myriad variety of them at least somewhat intriguing (especially when they allow one to precisely pin down precisely when a model was manufactured). It's also amazing that so many of them have come to light so long after the models were manufactured.

Re: Squid's latest finds

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 12:11 pm
For me the collecting of variations is a very exciting part of the hobby and once you realise there are several variations of what to most people appear to be the same model, its nice to try and place them in the order of issue from Lesney and if you have enough reference points and can 'Set In Stone' the production dates of certain details it does help you put the models in the right 'Time-Line' order.

But please - if you get serious about collecting variations, start with a sound mind and strong will power, you are likely to be on a long and torturous journey :lol:


Re: Squid's latest finds

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 7:32 pm
by Squid
My latest acquisition came in the mail today. It's not a Yesteryear, but it's been on my want list for a while; I wrote more about that story here.

Edit: this appears to be a Code 4.
7B_800x600.jpg (46.8 KiB) Viewed 6628 times
That will be my last new acquisition for a while; I really need to sell off some stuff!

Re: Squid's latest finds

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 7:57 pm
I think I would agree with Silver wheels on the Anglia.


Re: Squid's latest finds

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 9:24 pm
by Squid
As this is the first 1-75 I've owned that doesn't have black wheels, I don't really have a direct comparison. Looking at the 7B next to my K1A, however, there is a difference in's slight, but there. Silver wheels they are.

I'm happy with my Anglia!

Re: Squid's latest finds

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 6:59 pm
by Squid
2020 has been quiet thus far, but promises to be a banner year nevertheless. Yesterday, I received a model of one of my all-time favorite cars in the mail: the Corgi 226 Morris Mini-Minor! I get more long-winded about it here.
Corgi 226 Right Front 800x600.jpg
Corgi 226 Left Rear 800x600.jpg
Even Bluegrass likes it!
Bluegrass With Corgi 226 800x600.jpg
I'm absolutely thrilled with it, and will be adding many more Minis to my little fleet.

Re: Squid's latest finds

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 7:32 pm
I had exactly the same version!

Collecting toys and models of the humble Mini is very popular. A vast collection is coming up for auction in my home town and glancing at the pictures there is every concievable make of toy and model Mini.

I am nearly six foot tall and I had no trouble fitting in my own full size Mini and the seat was adjustable as much as I needed it.


Re: Squid's latest finds

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 8:34 pm
by Squid
GHOSTHUNTER wrote:A vast collection is coming up for auction in my home town and glancing at the pictures there is every concievable make of toy and model Mini.
It's probably a good thing I don't live in your hometown! Would there happen to be a Web site for the auction?

Re: Squid's latest finds

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 11:16 pm
Had a look via google but can not find it and as it was something I stumbled upon during an un-related search, I did not bookmark it as I was not expecting to revisit it again.
