A new variation Lone Star Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud III has been added to my collection which is a rare thing these days.
When these were introduced in the new metallic blue colour to replace a black over grey colour, it had a hard white wheel and tyre combination. As production progressed the body colour became darker and the wheels were black.
This new variation has the earlier white wheels but with a dark blue body and internally it has the thick window glazing moulding, another modification over the thin moulding fitted to the earlier white wheeled cars.

The previous owner has painted the tyre black but left the side walls that actually simulates white-wall tyres on a real car.

They have also added black paint to the grille which again is quite effective.

The following picture has been enhanced to show the difference between a thin glazing moulding and a thick glazing moulding. The difference is in the thickness of the whoe top section as it contacts with the inside of the roof. A modification I can find of no benefit!

P.S. see my others here...https://www.vintagebritishdiecasts.co.u ... =30#p41082