Well it sold pretty quickly in the end. I've sold many things to German buyers without a problem using Paypal. I really don't know why some sellers exclude Germany, how big is the problem?
I seldom buy in GB due to the horrendous shipping costs. I can send this book to you for 3,70 Euro, but this seller asks more than three times this sum! I guess, he is tired of answering questions about this ridiculous costs.
As i have two ebay shops, i´m forced to offer paypal, but i hate it! As i mostly sell out of the EU, they bite 5.2 % of the sale. We got 19% VAT, 10% eGay fee and 5.2% Paypal, which means 34,2 % of an asking price is gone before it comes to me.
Bank transfers are mostly free in Germany, so that may be a reason, why we prefer that.