I had a package waiting for me when I returned from my Weekend Retreat on Monday evening. The eBay seller had helpfully bundled four models in one lot and used the Global Shipping Program. This saved me about £60 although I ended up with a duplicate yellow Chevelle (soon to be seen on an auction site near you).
I got the alternative colour choice Chevelle, a glorious metallic pink.
As you can see the pink version retains the tampo printed license plate.
but from this photo I took more notice of the Chevelle legend, below which is a small black plate reading 'BY CHEVROLET'. Once I find where I've hidden the original YMC01 Yesteryear model I can check it out.
I noticed previously that the copper coloured Plymouth Road Runner was fitted with yellow tinted windows and the metallic apple green version retains this feature, although it's less noticeable with the yellow seats
The other model was the lime green Oldsmobile with white seats, which enabled me to see the yellow tinted windows had been used here as well.
This was less noticeable on the twin Hershey Toy Show model which has yellow seats. In checking this I noticed that the two cars are finished in slightly different shades of metallic lime green, the Hershey release being lighter.
Now I've only the elusive Mustangs and the El Camino to get.