6c Euclid Dump truck

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Re: 6c Euclid Dump truck


When that particular model was introduced onto the flow line the charge hand or foreman would have seen a memo outlining specific instructions such as different wheels now being used here compared to say a car. The foreman would have given a little instruction to the Lady operatores about these wheels having to be placed correctly because they have a front and back face.

This allows a fairly high percentage of error to creep in because the operators being what they are...Human, all sorts of reasons are available for a Lady to pick up the wheel and forget the instruction about placing it the right way around especially as they come to the end of their work shift and are excited about going home!

It is nice to comtemplate for a moment the possibilty it was the same Lady operator doing both of those models with the error fitment wheels and how many more did she do!!

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Re: 6c Euclid Dump truck

Post by DrJeep »

Here's the version with over-riders on the right.The bumper is narrower and thicker, and the triangular infill to the front wings is also slightly different. This one is body 3, tipper 6, which is code 26 in Nick's list.
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