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Re: #4 Triumph & Sidecar in Metallic Gold

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 8:50 pm
by tractorboy
Idris wrote:It would be interesting to know where Henk Jonk lives/claims to live. (Eric Jonkers is in Barendrecht.)
We could also do with Henk's Maarktplaats seller alias so that his other offerings can be assessed.
Reply back from Eric,
Hi Rodger,

I did not use Paypal, but a money transfer to his bankaccount.

His address however can be traced I think due to track & trace.
If the postal code is correct, NL 2992 KA 16, it would suggest he lives in Barendrecht. A small town near Rotterdam.

Will not put in print my full feelings about this but if I had a hammer they'd be a lot of scrap metal in Barendrecht!

Re: #4 Triumph & Sidecar in Metallic Gold

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 9:21 pm
If you feel tempted to destroy a model because of it's true status, this is understandable, it will also take it out of the collector's community, a good thing, but my advice to anyone in this posistion is to keep the model for what it is but have it clearly marked so as to not be mistaken for a genuine issue whan it passes from your ownership to another collector. By keeping the model it will act as reference material when the subject crops up again in the near future, as it most surely will and you can discuss with full confidence and authority because you have the evidence!


Re: #4 Triumph & Sidecar in Metallic Gold

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 9:26 pm
by Tinman
There is enough overwhelming circumstantial evidence to say it looks like Eric Jonkers strikes again. I have other concerns: Did the model really change hands? Are Henk (who looks like he may actually be Eric Jonkers) and Eric the same person or if different people, working as a team. The whole thing looks like someone is trying to build up support and authenticate a faked model. No disrespect intended if Eric Slager is a real person (and not part of some scheme).

Re: #4 Triumph & Sidecar in Metallic Gold

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 9:27 pm
by Idris
tractorboy wrote:
Idris wrote:It would be interesting to know where Henk Jonk lives/claims to live. (Eric Jonkers is in Barendrecht.)
We could also do with Henk's Maarktplaats seller alias so that his other offerings can be assessed.
Reply back from Eric,
Hi Rodger,

I did not use Paypal, but a money transfer to his bankaccount.

His address however can be traced I think due to track & trace.
If the postal code is correct, NL 2992 KA 16, it would suggest he lives in Barendrecht. A small town near Rotterdam.

Will not put in print my full feelings about this but if I had a hammer they'd be a lot of scrap metal in Barendrecht!

Re: #4 Triumph & Sidecar in Metallic Gold

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 10:00 pm
by Idris
tractorboy wrote:NL 2992 KA 16,
NL 2992 KA 19 is a kind of shorthand, and it can be unpacked to give an actual address. With a bit of Googling, it is Boerhaavelaan 16, 2992 KA Barendrecht, The Netherlands. (I lived over there for 17 years, so I know how these things work.) Furthermore, that is the address of a dental laboratory going by the name of Jonkers.

Re: #4 Triumph & Sidecar in Metallic Gold

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 11:07 pm
by motorman
Idris wrote:
tractorboy wrote:NL 2992 KA 16,
NL 2992 KA 19 is a kind of shorthand, and it can be unpacked to give an actual address. With a bit of Googling, it is Boerhaavelaan 16, 2992 KA Barendrecht, The Netherlands. (I lived over there for 17 years, so I know how these things work.) Furthermore, that is the address of a dental laboratory going by the name of Jonkers.
Pure coincedance :?

Re: #4 Triumph & Sidecar in Metallic Gold

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 8:24 am
by tractorboy
The hammer mention was more directed at my frustration of coming across another fake model.

In hindsight I would not destroy any model, whatever its lineage - it was more directed at the creator than the creation (Frankenstein's monster may rest easy!)
Like Tinman says there are lessons to be learned and having these models out there can serve as a lesson as to how vigilant we have to be.
Who knows if games are being played but hopefully we'll be prepared if it suddenly appears on an auction site.

Thank you all for the comments and advice. Will pass on our conclusions and see if there is any feedback.

Re: #4 Triumph & Sidecar in Metallic Gold

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 8:41 am
by tractorboy
My email to Eric.

Good Day Eric,

Thank you for the final piece of information.

Unfortunately it all clicked into place. We are aware of a seller, who lives at that location, who trades under a number
of aliases. He often has rare and hard to find models, usually offered at low starting prices.

Close examination of many of the models reveal that they have been altered.

It would appear that your Triumph is one such creation.

It is very frustrating to genuine collectors to come across these and anger when buyers are duped.

The advice for you is to keep the model for what it is but have it clearly marked so as to not be mistaken for a genuine issue whan it passes from your ownership to another collector. By keeping the model it will act as reference material when the subject crops up again in the near future, as it most surely will and you can discuss with full confidence and authority because you have the evidence!

Sorry my news could not have been positive as I was, until a while ago convinced of its authenticity.



Re: #4 Triumph & Sidecar in Metallic Gold

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 10:35 pm
by zBret
Great job piecing all the clues together on this one. Unfortunate for the buyer though :(
Did the 19b ever turn up on Ebay?

a lil tune for ya Rodger

Re: #4 Triumph & Sidecar in Metallic Gold

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 8:08 am
by tractorboy
Thanks for the tune zBret - thought it might have been "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" before I opened it.
Haven't sighted the 19B - keep doing searches to see if it appears.