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Re: Squid's latest finds
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 9:10 pm
by Squid
We in southeast Michigan have been in the midst of some ugly weather today, so I'll brighten things up by showing some new additions to my little fleet. There are four total, from two sellers.
A 25D Ford Cortina GT kicks things off. I'm not sure if it's light, medium, or dark metallic blue, but it lacks the window locating stud. I like this model, as it reminds me of the American Ford Falcon.

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I said in my last post of finds that another model of one of my favorite cars was coming in this week. It's another Ford product: the 54C Capri Mark I. The color is a little funky, but I like it a lot.

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The next two models were purchased as a pair, for a total cost of $6.75 US. The first is a 15E Fork Lift Truck. I couldn't imagine driving one of these without something to protect me from falling objects, and OSHA would probably strongly object, too!

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This model also has its box, but like the box for my Y-13-2, it's not in the best of shape. It also doesn't sit on the forks very well.

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I bought this lot because of what the seller threw in as a bonus: a 29D Racing Mini that he described as "cute as a button." (Edit: it is a code 2. The wheel strips are quite hard to see, and therefore a variation that is of little interest to me.) My Racing Mini fleet is far from complete!

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I don't know when they will come, but more will be on their way before too long.
Re: Squid's latest finds
Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 9:11 pm
by Squid
It's been another long while between finds, but I got a small group of Regular Wheels in today. Despite a recalcitrant camera, I got them photographed.
A 55C Ford Galaxie police car kicks off the parade. It's a Code 2.

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Next up is a legend in miniature, the 41C Ford GT. It's a Code 4. Unfortunately, it has suffered some damage to the roof and left windshield will be upgraded someday.

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This next one is the best of the lot: a 26C GMC Tipper. No code to report here, but the tipper body came out of die 2.

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I have it parked next to my 44C. The similarities in their cabs are obvious, but the 44C has an orange cast to its paint. Hopefully this picture will show it okay.

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Finally, we have my favorite of the lot: the 6C Euclid Quarry truck. I was hoping for an earlier one, but this one appears to be a Code 26. It's another one of those models that put in some time in the dirt. I'll have all that dirt removed soon.

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Re: Squid's latest finds
Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 7:20 pm
by Squid
I have decided to better focus my collecting interests; I wrote more about that
here. Earlier today, I got a half-dozen Models of Yesteryear in the mail.
We'll start off with three in E-boxes; two of the boxes are rather rough.

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The Y12-2 1909 Thomas Flyabout is one of the nicest Lesnneys I've ever owned, and its box is undoubtedly the nicest Lesney box I can recall having.

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It has the earlier base.

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Next up is a pretty nice Y13-2 1911 Daimler. The grill remained in place during transit!

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I looked for a Y13-2 with a 5-spoke steering wheel for a while.

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They also have different bases; type one on left and type four on right.

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I know our resident Rolls-Royce fanatic will appreciate the next one! It's the Y15-1 1907 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost.

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It has strengthened wheel spokes, which my phone camera hopefully picked up well enough.

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I was thrilled to acquire this Y5-1 1929 Bentley Le Mans. It's an earlier one with crimped axles.

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Naturally, another good deal cropped up that included a second Y5-1! As I see no obvious variations, one of them will likely be up for trade.

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The second Y5-1 was part of a lot that included a Y10-1 1908 Mercedes Grand Prix, also with crimped axles.

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I'm more than happy with all of them, as well as my new-found focus. Now I need to make some sales...
Re: Squid's latest finds
Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 8:04 pm
You got yourself some nice Yesteryears Dan. The blue Thomas is early as it has the roof support pins cast onto the main body as opposed to being moulded onto to the seats.
Always nice to get the grille insert with any of those Daimlers.
Sadly you have not fully captured the wheel braces on the wheel of the Rolls-Royce but if there are four of them this is putting that model in the 1964 to 1967 production period so a late issue.
The Bentley is quite unique in that no casting variations seem to exist on this model so avid collectors only have to worry about the seat colour (red or dark red), grille insert colour (silver or green), the grille surround (silver or gold), base colour (gloss or satin black), wheel colour (bright silver or dull gold) and the axle design (crimped or peened). Those are the basics but further variations could be added by searching for examples in the light or dark green bodies, examples with a green steering wheel and examples with no trim painting to the grille surround.
So now you are on thre long road to collecting Yesteryears and I hope what you collect brings enjoyment and variety to the collection.
Re: Squid's latest finds
Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 9:35 pm
by Squid
Thanks for your reply, Ghosty. I know it is hard to capture such detail with a recalcitrant cell phone camera (and you and Bob have had a dialog about very similar matters), but all four of the Y15-1's wheels have the strengthened spokes. It also has the thinner spare tire carrier.
While looking at the Y5-1s, they at first glance looked very similar, the bases possibly excepted. However, one has additional gold detailing. My photos might not have captured this difference very well, but it is there. I suspect the additional trim was added by a previous owner. They possibly also have different wheel colors, but if so, the difference is not readily apparent in-hand.

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I am really enjoying these little models, and hope to acquire more in the not-too-distant future.
Re: Squid's latest finds
Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 9:47 pm
Issue numbers as MICA 2002
Y12 Thomas issue 2
Y13 Daimlers 5 spoke steering wheel issue is either issue 2 or 4 depending if the spare wheel well is open (4) or closed (2). The other example is issue 9
Y15 Rolls A full baseplate picture is needed, and probably refer to Kevin.
Y5 Bentley issue 4. The detailing on the 2nd model is an after market addition.
Y10 Mercedes either issue 4 or 5 depending on the size of the panel on the inside of the seat. Narrow (4) or square (5).
Re: Squid's latest finds
Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 10:23 pm
by Squid
Re: Squid's latest finds
Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 10:47 pm
Merc is iss 5
Rolls is iss 9 in the short MICA list I think. No doubt Kevin will have a different opinion.
I've sent you an e-mail.
Re: Squid's latest finds
Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 11:29 pm
I have enhanced the Mercedes picture.
Re: Squid's latest finds
Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 11:41 pm
by Squid
Thank you, Ghosty. In addition to one of the Yesteryears books, a proper working computer with good photo-editing software is also on the to-buy list. However, if using my antiquated point-and-shoot camera would work well enough and/or I can find decent photo-editing software for Android, I can push that purchase back a while.
In addition, I would like to thank both Ghosty and Bob for expanding my knowledge of my new favorite area of collecting. i am most grateful!