Replica Display Stands
Re: Replica Display Stands
I wouldn't touch any of the dubious offerings of the "new" Matchbox Club. Purely financial interest from them, nothing like a collectors club.
Re: Replica Display Stands
So who is behind this new club and do they have any notable members?YYS4BOB wrote:I wouldn't touch any of the dubious offerings of the "new" Matchbox Club. Purely financial interest from them, nothing like a collectors club.
It might be time to start my "Bucket List."
- Posts: 626
- Joined: Mon Sep 16, 2013 3:21 am
- Location: Aust
Re: Replica Display Stands
HI Joe,Tinman wrote:Maybe the question becomes what marking does a genuine stand have that will allow it to be identified as an original? Does the reproduction stand duplicate any original markings (other than those out the outer surfaces). I don't have an original stand of this type so I don't know if there are any markings under or on the inside parts of the stands. We do have members that have such stands and it would be nice to hear from them.
I have a display stand the same as shown in two pics of the listing. I have taken it apart and there are no markings inside or underneath, just those on each of the four outer covers.
What I find interesting is that the description says replicating 1970's style yet they show a 1984 example. I am inclined to think that the fourth pic is a CAD generated image, note the two outer panels have the same numbering which is not so clever.
I see 3 have sold so perhaps in time we may hear from a buyer whether there are any distinguishing differences.
Hi Ian,
I have the Majorette display double height. Mine is quite different in that the material is quite a thick hard plastic without clear covers. It is made up of four modules each fixed at the corners. For those who do not have the space these easily come apart and make a nice wall or desktop display.
When they were in the shops the models were in blister type packs and locked into the slot in the bottom.
To display loose models without a cover can result in models falling out when revolved
Re: Replica Display Stands
Graham Atherton is the guy allegedly running it. Lots of fine words, but bugger all substance to them. If you're a member of MOYBOYZ check out this link.Tinman wrote:So who is behind this new club and do they have any notable members?YYS4BOB wrote:I wouldn't touch any of the dubious offerings of the "new" Matchbox Club. Purely financial interest from them, nothing like a collectors club.
If you're not a member, you'll have to register to read it.
Re: Replica Display Stands
Any chance you could post a short summary?YYS4BOB wrote:Graham Atherton is the guy allegedly running it. Lots of fine words, but bugger all substance to them. If you're a member of MOYBOYZ check out this link.
If you're not a member, you'll have to register to read it.
Re: Replica Display Stands
Ok, you asked! These are extracted from the thread in the link. I've left Graham's name on the replies, but removed the other i.d.'s (although from the tenure of the posts you may work out who some of the posters are, as they post here as well. graham888 is Mr Atherton.
"Just got another email from the club with their one of one special offers. Went to their Facebook page and left a comment about the crap. if this is what the club is going to be about then count me out - its just a glorified shop to sell off crap and whoever the idiots are who are buying this stuff they are going to be in severe financial strife down the track.
We were promised a proper functioning club and so far have seen none of that - they should have just left the club to die off instead of all this crap. So far a few catalogs posted that are done far better on the Matchbox site in Germany and a copy of old MICA mags which most of us would have - sheesh what a waste of time - no new news, no articles, no mags - no nothing !"
Postby graham888 on Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:03 pm
Hi I replied to your Facebook comment.. The models on eBay are all from Kevin's era..?? So I don't really think it's fair to pin that one on me.. I just thought I would clear out the club cupboard.. Of course if you don't like them.. Or the price, you don't have to buy them.. However, on a more positive note,.. Pretty much all of the new ones we produced have sold out.. And the NZ Red Cross prince Henry ironically contributed over £1,000 to the veterans association for the Anzacs.. (So that's good huh?) It also means that clearly not everyone shares your opinion regarding the models either.. And Membership is now at over 2,000 which I guess means lost of other people also like the direction we are going.. I think the real issue with Yesteryear was highlighted by a number of your guys on here.. The youngsters just aren't interested in vintage cars I guess..?? As demand inevitably slows since the demise of 'proper' production by Mattel, the models themselves will naturally devalue as collections are sold off.. And demand decreases.. This is the real risk regarding future values.. What do you think..?? Thx.. Graham. Ps. There's no point in leaving the club.. As we don't charge for you to be in it.. So it will just mean that you don't get the opportunity to try and ruin my breakfast every now and agin.. Ha.. Gx (guy type hug
"Hope your not having breakfast ! If you read another post I made on here I stated if for charity purpose then I find it ok but code 2 is becoming a bit of a joke when only one model is made. It was this in the first place that started a lot to lose interest when out of 60 models made, half a dozen were made for the boys in different colours etc ( Horace, Joe, Kevin, Joe , Stewart etc ) with hardly any hope of collectors getting these to complete a set. Only since a few of these collections have come to market has there been any chance recently so one of one is even worse in my book. I also notice its mainly the same 2 bidders vying for these 'exclusive' models - any comment.
As for younger collectors check out this site membership as there are quite a few on here but the thing they won't do is pay huge amounts for rarer examples and are quite happy getting all common versions to start with. What happens after they have these is anybodies guess but I worked it out that when I bought half a dozen sets of collectibles at 6 models per set or more issued per year and average of 40-50 each and they lost money I could buy a great one at 1500 which didn't lose as much. perhaps they will think the same later on although what they are getting now are dirt cheap models forced down by previous marketing hype about what a great investment they were based on the Y12 Arnotts van. You can see this in Oz on a daily basis when I get numerous emails every day almost offering me a stack of common models issued from 1980 onwards - tell them they are only worth 2 bucks and they scream at you about ripping them off as they are 30 years old so are worth a lot more. I have yet to come across many Oz buyers of these models who even ventured back to the Woodgrain era even. With companies like Corgi & Dinky and even smaller diecasters there is a steady collector base even though these brands have died out - why do YYs fare so badly - probably all the faking that went on back in the 70's and wheel swaps and the rest of the garbage that went on about how scarce models were when they were held back or made to special order at the factory - all nails in the coffin. I know it all went as I experienced it all first hand and it still goes on today ( just look at all the base models with decal swaps still being sold on Ebay as prepros ( more like crap in my book)
Currently the club seems more geared up to issuing these one off models more than anything else with no real development on other items. Mags - if your stuck for articles then I'm sure with 2000 members there must be some who could write articles to fill 6 mags over a year and post them online like the old EMag. What happened to all the old contacts who wrote those ie - the Ambassador report, Scene & Heard (Steve Brown), In depth model review of various ranges, free ads at the back - did it all leave with Kevin ? Much better content than rehashing old catalogues and Mica mags.
Over to you as I'm having my dinner with berry crumble and cream ! yummy."
"I completely agree with all of the above, and I suspect that most experienced collectors will as well. Some here have been collecting for over 40 years, and do actually know what they're talking about!"
"I fully agree as well, their are many a collector who just collect themes , some collect variations, some collect Code 2 or 3 also in themes. It is like stamp collecting as well.
The club is not a club when their are no actual fees involved or a booklet ( sorry I like to read a magazine still) if their are 2000 members then this could be done, but the only reason their are 2000 members here is because its FREE. Mica in its hey day had paid memberships and we where happy to pay our $60.00 a year for me anyway you got a mag every 2 months with real news and finds. This is now gone due to Mattel."
Postby graham888 on Sun Mar 08, 2015 8:50 pm
Well guys.. The reality is that the standard code 2 versions are made in batches of 25 to 35, and they don't all get sold.. Which would mean that the cost of the remaining club stock wipes out profit from the ones that did sell. The 'uniques' and 'specials' produced in low volume all tend to sell. The reason we have 'one offs' remaining from Kevin's stock was that he advised us not to sell them to our members at a fixed price.. But to auction them as they always sold at a much higher figure.. Normally over £150 or more..?? I'm not sure I like that idea, as it means true 'hard core' collectors may not get a chance to own these due to simple economics.. And so.. I asked Joe to clear the cupboards of all old stock and start with a fixed price on eBay.. And I know you guys dont like eBay either... But I'm afraid that the reality ,once again ,is that circulation is massive.. Since advertising our stock on there, membership has jumped again by over 50 registered in less than a week..!! The Facebook page (and Twitter) all continue to grow.. And to be fair.. If set up and used properly they should help 'spread the word'.. With regard to the club site.. As I've explained previously, we simply cannot afford to operate this in the 'good old fashioned way'.. Again.. Don't shoot the messenger, the world changed and if we are to attract new, younger collectors, we have to embrace all aspects of 'Social Media'.. Having watched the 'body language' and behaviour over the last two years, I long ago concluded that our best chance is to become a digital archive and library for everything matchbox.. Link this to every form of communication possible, so that collectors can openly share experiences and models, and use all of this as a platform to establish charitable revenue from trading and perhaps a 'collectors app' which can store your models in an easily searchable database, which provides latest values (from live links to eBay, Vectis and online auctions etc) All of this relies on significant investment of funds and time, but hopefully.. Once the content is all in one place 'we' can help protect the history and encourage new collectors... Otherwise Mick is right.. We may as well just let it die.. Another victim of changing times and commercial reality.. Personally.. I always said it would be hard, but I'm not one for giving up.. And finally.. You should know, that despite the number of blogs and forums that say they exist to help and educate.. Mostly, the only thing us 'newbies' can rely on from established collectors is criticism and derision.. Those of you who have 'positively' helped (you know who you are!) I can count on the fingers of one hand.. If all of this means so much.. Why don't you pitch in..?? I can't pay you much (we're a charity) but you will feel better.. Much better than shouting from the side lines.. But as usual.. I'll end with the good news.. Membership conitnues to climb as more collectors register with us each week.. That means more chance of survival.. Everything we auctioned so far has sold (albeit it, the last four all went to one guy? Hell I don't care as long as he's enjoying himself and collecting right..??) And even whilst we have been exchanging these opinions three of our 'crappy' code twos have sold..!! I know a man who goes to bed at night, rests his head in the pillow.. And says.. Thank you..
Postby graham888 on Sun Mar 08, 2015 9:29 pm
Yep... I'm a bad bad boy. I stopped charging the 162 members the club had when I took it over .. And now it's free...!!! I thought you of all people would like free..?? This is going to start sounding a bit like a broken record.. But.. That's the way it works now.. It's a new world.. I don't necessarily like it anymore than you guys.. But here we are collecting models that even Mattel have told us there's no demand for.. Someone worked out that production was costing more than the sales.. And that was the end of that.. In recent discussions with them, they have made it absolutely clear that they do not intend reintroducing the range anytime soon.. They were more positive about granting a license.. But even you guys told me that wouldn't be commercially viable.. remember..?? It's the same with the club.. To produce and print a magazine.. You need time.. Lots of time.. And that costs money.. I'll tell you what I'll do.. You guys have all the knowledge.. You've been doing this for forty years or more right..?? You send me the articles.. I'll pay for them to be designed and set professionally.. And then I'll launch a 'paid' membership, and all those on that list get the mag.. I'll even let you write the first article Andrew.. Any subject you like.. After all, this is a 'club'.. And that means members get to contribute.. Look at the last Matchbox annual.. (Note the clue word in that sentence) We produced only 350 of those.. And we still have thirty left.. And the content was excellent.. Just more money down the drain whilst we wish the world was the same as it used to be.. I like reading magazines.. You like reading magazines.. But we are in the minority now.. Those people that like reading mags.. Do it on an iPad.. Try it.. It's brilliant.. You don't even need to turn the pages or read with a torch under the covers at night.. Just don't drop it in the bath.. That won't end well..!! The key to survival is numbers.. You need lots of interested people.. And we have them now and it's growing.. They like eBay, Facebook and Twitter.. They read mags on tablets and they absolutely love the 'free' content.. You have all the mica mags and literature.. They didn't.. But they do now.. And they love it..!! The next thing they will want to do is collect.. And then you will have someone to trade with.. Some will want matchbox regular wheels, some Superfast, and of course yesteryear too.. Some even like the latest stuff matchbox are making..!! Go figure..?? I don't care.. As long as they are happy.. And collecting..
This is just an extract of a long thread, but you get the idea.
"Just got another email from the club with their one of one special offers. Went to their Facebook page and left a comment about the crap. if this is what the club is going to be about then count me out - its just a glorified shop to sell off crap and whoever the idiots are who are buying this stuff they are going to be in severe financial strife down the track.
We were promised a proper functioning club and so far have seen none of that - they should have just left the club to die off instead of all this crap. So far a few catalogs posted that are done far better on the Matchbox site in Germany and a copy of old MICA mags which most of us would have - sheesh what a waste of time - no new news, no articles, no mags - no nothing !"
Postby graham888 on Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:03 pm
Hi I replied to your Facebook comment.. The models on eBay are all from Kevin's era..?? So I don't really think it's fair to pin that one on me.. I just thought I would clear out the club cupboard.. Of course if you don't like them.. Or the price, you don't have to buy them.. However, on a more positive note,.. Pretty much all of the new ones we produced have sold out.. And the NZ Red Cross prince Henry ironically contributed over £1,000 to the veterans association for the Anzacs.. (So that's good huh?) It also means that clearly not everyone shares your opinion regarding the models either.. And Membership is now at over 2,000 which I guess means lost of other people also like the direction we are going.. I think the real issue with Yesteryear was highlighted by a number of your guys on here.. The youngsters just aren't interested in vintage cars I guess..?? As demand inevitably slows since the demise of 'proper' production by Mattel, the models themselves will naturally devalue as collections are sold off.. And demand decreases.. This is the real risk regarding future values.. What do you think..?? Thx.. Graham. Ps. There's no point in leaving the club.. As we don't charge for you to be in it.. So it will just mean that you don't get the opportunity to try and ruin my breakfast every now and agin.. Ha.. Gx (guy type hug
"Hope your not having breakfast ! If you read another post I made on here I stated if for charity purpose then I find it ok but code 2 is becoming a bit of a joke when only one model is made. It was this in the first place that started a lot to lose interest when out of 60 models made, half a dozen were made for the boys in different colours etc ( Horace, Joe, Kevin, Joe , Stewart etc ) with hardly any hope of collectors getting these to complete a set. Only since a few of these collections have come to market has there been any chance recently so one of one is even worse in my book. I also notice its mainly the same 2 bidders vying for these 'exclusive' models - any comment.
As for younger collectors check out this site membership as there are quite a few on here but the thing they won't do is pay huge amounts for rarer examples and are quite happy getting all common versions to start with. What happens after they have these is anybodies guess but I worked it out that when I bought half a dozen sets of collectibles at 6 models per set or more issued per year and average of 40-50 each and they lost money I could buy a great one at 1500 which didn't lose as much. perhaps they will think the same later on although what they are getting now are dirt cheap models forced down by previous marketing hype about what a great investment they were based on the Y12 Arnotts van. You can see this in Oz on a daily basis when I get numerous emails every day almost offering me a stack of common models issued from 1980 onwards - tell them they are only worth 2 bucks and they scream at you about ripping them off as they are 30 years old so are worth a lot more. I have yet to come across many Oz buyers of these models who even ventured back to the Woodgrain era even. With companies like Corgi & Dinky and even smaller diecasters there is a steady collector base even though these brands have died out - why do YYs fare so badly - probably all the faking that went on back in the 70's and wheel swaps and the rest of the garbage that went on about how scarce models were when they were held back or made to special order at the factory - all nails in the coffin. I know it all went as I experienced it all first hand and it still goes on today ( just look at all the base models with decal swaps still being sold on Ebay as prepros ( more like crap in my book)
Currently the club seems more geared up to issuing these one off models more than anything else with no real development on other items. Mags - if your stuck for articles then I'm sure with 2000 members there must be some who could write articles to fill 6 mags over a year and post them online like the old EMag. What happened to all the old contacts who wrote those ie - the Ambassador report, Scene & Heard (Steve Brown), In depth model review of various ranges, free ads at the back - did it all leave with Kevin ? Much better content than rehashing old catalogues and Mica mags.
Over to you as I'm having my dinner with berry crumble and cream ! yummy."
"I completely agree with all of the above, and I suspect that most experienced collectors will as well. Some here have been collecting for over 40 years, and do actually know what they're talking about!"
"I fully agree as well, their are many a collector who just collect themes , some collect variations, some collect Code 2 or 3 also in themes. It is like stamp collecting as well.
The club is not a club when their are no actual fees involved or a booklet ( sorry I like to read a magazine still) if their are 2000 members then this could be done, but the only reason their are 2000 members here is because its FREE. Mica in its hey day had paid memberships and we where happy to pay our $60.00 a year for me anyway you got a mag every 2 months with real news and finds. This is now gone due to Mattel."
Postby graham888 on Sun Mar 08, 2015 8:50 pm
Well guys.. The reality is that the standard code 2 versions are made in batches of 25 to 35, and they don't all get sold.. Which would mean that the cost of the remaining club stock wipes out profit from the ones that did sell. The 'uniques' and 'specials' produced in low volume all tend to sell. The reason we have 'one offs' remaining from Kevin's stock was that he advised us not to sell them to our members at a fixed price.. But to auction them as they always sold at a much higher figure.. Normally over £150 or more..?? I'm not sure I like that idea, as it means true 'hard core' collectors may not get a chance to own these due to simple economics.. And so.. I asked Joe to clear the cupboards of all old stock and start with a fixed price on eBay.. And I know you guys dont like eBay either... But I'm afraid that the reality ,once again ,is that circulation is massive.. Since advertising our stock on there, membership has jumped again by over 50 registered in less than a week..!! The Facebook page (and Twitter) all continue to grow.. And to be fair.. If set up and used properly they should help 'spread the word'.. With regard to the club site.. As I've explained previously, we simply cannot afford to operate this in the 'good old fashioned way'.. Again.. Don't shoot the messenger, the world changed and if we are to attract new, younger collectors, we have to embrace all aspects of 'Social Media'.. Having watched the 'body language' and behaviour over the last two years, I long ago concluded that our best chance is to become a digital archive and library for everything matchbox.. Link this to every form of communication possible, so that collectors can openly share experiences and models, and use all of this as a platform to establish charitable revenue from trading and perhaps a 'collectors app' which can store your models in an easily searchable database, which provides latest values (from live links to eBay, Vectis and online auctions etc) All of this relies on significant investment of funds and time, but hopefully.. Once the content is all in one place 'we' can help protect the history and encourage new collectors... Otherwise Mick is right.. We may as well just let it die.. Another victim of changing times and commercial reality.. Personally.. I always said it would be hard, but I'm not one for giving up.. And finally.. You should know, that despite the number of blogs and forums that say they exist to help and educate.. Mostly, the only thing us 'newbies' can rely on from established collectors is criticism and derision.. Those of you who have 'positively' helped (you know who you are!) I can count on the fingers of one hand.. If all of this means so much.. Why don't you pitch in..?? I can't pay you much (we're a charity) but you will feel better.. Much better than shouting from the side lines.. But as usual.. I'll end with the good news.. Membership conitnues to climb as more collectors register with us each week.. That means more chance of survival.. Everything we auctioned so far has sold (albeit it, the last four all went to one guy? Hell I don't care as long as he's enjoying himself and collecting right..??) And even whilst we have been exchanging these opinions three of our 'crappy' code twos have sold..!! I know a man who goes to bed at night, rests his head in the pillow.. And says.. Thank you..
Postby graham888 on Sun Mar 08, 2015 9:29 pm
Yep... I'm a bad bad boy. I stopped charging the 162 members the club had when I took it over .. And now it's free...!!! I thought you of all people would like free..?? This is going to start sounding a bit like a broken record.. But.. That's the way it works now.. It's a new world.. I don't necessarily like it anymore than you guys.. But here we are collecting models that even Mattel have told us there's no demand for.. Someone worked out that production was costing more than the sales.. And that was the end of that.. In recent discussions with them, they have made it absolutely clear that they do not intend reintroducing the range anytime soon.. They were more positive about granting a license.. But even you guys told me that wouldn't be commercially viable.. remember..?? It's the same with the club.. To produce and print a magazine.. You need time.. Lots of time.. And that costs money.. I'll tell you what I'll do.. You guys have all the knowledge.. You've been doing this for forty years or more right..?? You send me the articles.. I'll pay for them to be designed and set professionally.. And then I'll launch a 'paid' membership, and all those on that list get the mag.. I'll even let you write the first article Andrew.. Any subject you like.. After all, this is a 'club'.. And that means members get to contribute.. Look at the last Matchbox annual.. (Note the clue word in that sentence) We produced only 350 of those.. And we still have thirty left.. And the content was excellent.. Just more money down the drain whilst we wish the world was the same as it used to be.. I like reading magazines.. You like reading magazines.. But we are in the minority now.. Those people that like reading mags.. Do it on an iPad.. Try it.. It's brilliant.. You don't even need to turn the pages or read with a torch under the covers at night.. Just don't drop it in the bath.. That won't end well..!! The key to survival is numbers.. You need lots of interested people.. And we have them now and it's growing.. They like eBay, Facebook and Twitter.. They read mags on tablets and they absolutely love the 'free' content.. You have all the mica mags and literature.. They didn't.. But they do now.. And they love it..!! The next thing they will want to do is collect.. And then you will have someone to trade with.. Some will want matchbox regular wheels, some Superfast, and of course yesteryear too.. Some even like the latest stuff matchbox are making..!! Go figure..?? I don't care.. As long as they are happy.. And collecting..
This is just an extract of a long thread, but you get the idea.
Re: Replica Display Stands
If that's a short summary, I shudder to think how long the actual thread is!
Re: Replica Display Stands
Bloody Long.... I've read it all - at the time it was originally posted!Idris wrote:If that's a short summary, I shudder to think how long the actual thread is!
- matchboxmarcel
- Posts: 949
- Joined: Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:12 pm
Re: Replica Display Stands
You are right ofcourse with that it is much later then 70ties ! Above I have posted a link to an original one and allthough the red plastic condtruction was used on earlier displays as well they choosed for the later design probally because that was the only original they had to scan forr the replica.yellowfoden wrote:Tinman wrote:
What I find interesting is that the description says replicating 1970's style yet they show a 1984 example. I am inclined to think that the fourth pic is a CAD generated image, note the two outer panels have the same numbering which is not so clever.
The owner of the new club had many good words as Bob say but hasn't got enough knowledge about Matchbox. Some quys suggested they would love to hav a display at affordabe price hence he must have started the idea of a replica. The probem is that those so called collectors (who want a good affordable replica) are not buying it now because it is expensive.
I am not sure how many are sold but certainly still a lot to be sold.
I would only go for the original and genuine thing ofcourse.
- matchboxmarcel
- Posts: 949
- Joined: Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:12 pm
Re: Replica Display Stands
more pictures of the Matchbox Club replica stand at: