Review of Replacement parts & decals (and sources)

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Re: Review of Replacement parts & decals (and sources)

Post by Tinman »

Squid wrote:Considering all that, I'll go right to Steve Flowers. More than likely I'll order several sets of Corgi Mini tires to help ease the hit of international shipping.
Hurry with your order. They are going to close on Friday Dec 18 and not reopen until Jan 5 2021 and he's about two weeks behind in processing orders. Even if they can't process your order, yours will be at the top of the heap when they reopen (and the heap will be pretty big after three weeks of holiday).
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Re: Review of Replacement parts & decals (and sources)

Post by Squid »

I sent an e-mail enquiry about shipping cost and how to order (looks like filling out, and then attaching, the Excel order form is the best option for me). Not long afterwards, I received an auto-reply that states they only check e-mails once a week. Hopefully they will respond quickly...

Edit: they did indeed respond quickly. My order was sent around the time they closed today. No word beyond an automated acknowledgment of receipt. Fingers crossed that it can go out before the holiday break.
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Re: Review of Replacement parts & decals (and sources)

Post by Tinman »

Squid wrote:Edit: they did indeed respond quickly. My order was sent around the time they closed today. No word beyond an automated acknowledgment of receipt. Fingers crossed that it can go out before the holiday break.
Yes, sending the filled out order form as an attachment is the best way to order. You will know when you order is officially in the Que when you get their non-automated response (with an estimate of when your order will be filled and shipped). It has also been my experience that you get another acknowledgment when the order is actually shipped and/or if anything is back ordered.
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Re: Review of Replacement parts & decals (and sources)

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My order was sent for processing yesterday. I'm being patient. Backorders won't be a huge deal; turns out that one or two of the items I ordered aren't necessary after all.
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Re: Review of Replacement parts & decals (and sources)

Post by Diecastmolester »

I'm not entirely sure whether I love or hate the Flowerish ca 1994 era website and ordering system.
Considering I'm molesting Mid Century tat, I guess it's still something from the future if I twist my mind through a suitable wormhole in the space/time continuum.

Was it last year, or the year before, when the website was down for a few weeks because revamp?
I really thought that now they are going to implement a proper online shop with SSH protocol and secure payment functionality and shits.
Imagine my surprise when I logged on the first time afterwards and it was still gleefully last century.
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Re: Review of Replacement parts & decals (and sources)

Post by Tinman »

I find it interesting that they added photos of the model, to which the listed parts will fit, but not photos of the parts. The exception being decals, where they show the actual decal.  I suspect that creating an entirely updated website with a shopping cart and check-out might be beyond anyone in his employ. The cost to pay a third party to create and maintain a modern website is probably an expense they are unwilling to take at this time. Especially since the old system is working OK for them and I doubt it deters many if any customers from ordering.

If you look at the demographics of his clients, it's mostly a bunch of older men who are accustomed to "old school" ways.  I dislike having to email my sensitive credit card information. But, knowing that I have fraud protection that comes along with my credit card, it's not much of a risk and pretty easy to fix if something does goes wrong. Every time I do order, I get a text and an email from my credit card provider asking if I made that purchase (before they will authorize the payment). One click and the payment is approved.  So that's really not a serious worry.

What I do worry about is if they retire or go out of business, will I still be able to get the bulk of the parts I need for vintage Matchbox. Some parts can be made with 3D printing, but some printed things are still too rough to be suitable. Having to take apart whole models to, create molds and make my own resin parts would be a big hassle and expense. Not to mention that I'm getting older by the day and may not even have the desire, the energy or even the expendable funds to undertake such things.

The space, the tools and the supplies to run a restoration and customizing shop are not a cheap endeavor.  For example, one of my orders from Flowers is never less than $200.00 and I make several of those a year.  Same for the decals that have white, gold or silver in areas that make them impossible or too difficult to make at home, I have to place large (read expensive) decal orders for those.  Other supplies (and there are plenty) are a constant drain on my expendable income.  Selling many restored and customized models help to finance only a portion of that expense. The entire hobby isn't cheap and will never pay for itself (as some seem to think).

I can easily overlook Mr. Flowers very "old school" web page and ordering system, and only hope that his items are available well into the future.  I hope I can continue to work at my hobby well into the future, who knows what lurks around the corner health wise or financially.  Health expenses may soon be my new money pit. Universal Health Care is such a complicated issue that, out of the 23 industrialized nations, only 22 have been able to figure it out. Sadly, I live in the 23rd nation, the only one that can't figure it out.
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Re: Review of Replacement parts & decals (and sources)

Post by Diecastmolester »

Oh, I wish Mr Flowers very well and long may he continue and his business thrive despite the constant onslaughts by the ruling bureaucrats and that he manages to groom a heir to the throne.

We 1:25 plastic kits and promos guys have recently experienced the retirement of a major purveyor of fine spare parts, which was one of the reasons I returned to vintage diecasts.
Thankfully Model Supplies is not the only supplier in this segment, although I don't know to what degree others may be dependent on him.
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Re: Review of Replacement parts & decals (and sources)

Post by Tinman »

My large order was filled/processed today. So, I got mine filled and shipped just under the wire for their holiday closure. I hope for delivery in early January of next year.
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