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Re: Thought I'd post some new ones

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:37 pm

Re: Thought I'd post some new ones

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:37 pm

Re: Thought I'd post some new ones

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:38 pm

Re: Thought I'd post some new ones

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:41 pm
I hope that has helped with filling-in some of the details on this model. There may well have been some more info on the old site, but unless the post has the model number included in the title heading, it would require reading a lot of posts to find it...


Re: Thought I'd post some new ones

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:53 pm
by motorman
What ever happened to the "Superstar" status? It was always something to aim for when you were a new member.

Re: Thought I'd post some new ones

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:56 pm
...and look at how many postings "Tinman" had on the old forum...3370 and counting!! if only we could have brought those counts over to this forum, I might have had a fair wack at beating you Alex... :D


Re: Thought I'd post some new ones

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:58 am
by kwakers
I must humbly apologize to Hydra for taking the spotlight off his fine Lesney models he has pictured here for us. At the same time though, he has had his Mint mis-spelled base VW highlighted with a discussion that had been lost on BeFora......
Thank You Ghosty, Hydra, taniwha, and all who have now enjoyed a bit of the type of discussion and deliberation that has gone into Nick's listings over the past 6 years. Ghosty's recovery of this topic is proof that my old memory of 3 years ago is sometimes ironclad, even though I may need my wife to find my eyeglasses tomorrow morning........
Taniwha now has had the chance to enjoy the excitement of the discovery of a black motored "Volkswagon" in his collection, the same excitement that Antonin's black painted motor Post also brought me 3 years ago. For newer members, Antonin's Forum name was 'Schenck' on the old Befora Forum.........What a delightful treat the review of this elderly topic has been for me tonight. :D kwakers

Re: Thought I'd post some new ones

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 4:44 pm
by Chris.Okell

To confirm I have a GPW black engine model with the correct spelling. This has most definitely been painted on. Let me know if you would like some pics posted.


Re: Thought I'd post some new ones

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 5:09 pm
by ford_a_30
Chris.Okell wrote:Hi,

To confirm I have a GPW black engine model with the correct spelling. This has most definitely been painted on. Let me know if you would like some pics posted.

That is super interesting as I have a misspelt one without a black engine (as do most of the members) Another question to answer if they were indeed intended to be black. Why paint them black, then stop, then start again after the spelling error had been corrected?

Re: Thought I'd post some new ones

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:58 am
by kwakers
The logical explanation is that the initial VWs produced did not have the black highlighted motors, just bare metal. The early misspelled base VWs without motor paint may have had red tailights as detailing, and are uncommon to find. At some point before the base spelling correction, the engines were detailed with black paint intentionally to highlight the impressive detailing of it's casting. I believe the black engine detailing took the place of the red tailights during that period of time. The black factory motor painting carried through the base corrected spelling change for a time as on Chris.Okell's, and then was discontinued.
Could you Please check your misspelled base VW without black engine for the early red detailed tailights ford_a_30? Nick has published that they are rare enough where he has never seen a VW with them, but both of my misspelled bases without black motors have them. kwakers