scmcollection wrote:I have a genuine concern about the state of this hobby in 2014, I see that some of you are sensible and rational though others are making me listen to Matthew 7:6. What is the point of telling you facts if all you come back with is sarcasm and pseudo wit?
I have a genuine concern about you and your motives. Listen to or read whatever you want, but please leave comments about that book for faith based forums. So far, you have presented NO FACTS and nothing that can be verified. Regardless, in several months old posts, you keep insisting that you will provide the facts and names (although you do indicate you will refuse to give some of the most important names, including your own).
Which brings me to my main question: What is the point of resurrecting this thread unless you are going to do what you originally said you would do. And, make no mistake about, you have to provide all the names of all the people involved. Anything less makes you nothing more than a story teller of old rumor and folklore.
If what you say is true, you and your alleged friends have dealt the collecting community a harsh blow by launching these fakes and creating a foundation for fakers and fraudsters to build on over the years. If true, this is one of the most sinister plots hatched which has casued much damage to the hobby and cost collectors tens of thousands of dollars(if not more). If your story is true, it has to be one of the most irresponsible and sinister things I can imagine for the hobby.
Here is one fact for you: scmcollection is as guilty as his friends in this evil plot that has caused so much damage and cost so many their hard earned money. If your story is true, waiting decades to make it public also makes you part of the cover-up and even more complicit in this alleged plot.
scmcollection wrote: The first point brought to the fore that I feel deserves a response is the fact that I can tell you the project undertaken using leftover unused decals that were in perfectly useable condition, it seems to be a dilemma here as to if the decals were still functional, they were & still are (Ask Ralph from Fallingbostel).
Nice to know you and Ralph are still using those old decals and still cranking out fakes.
scmcollection wrote: Secondly, the models were for offered for sale at prohibitively inflated prices & they were never intended to be sold (to be crystal clear none ever changed hands for money),
You mean like the prices Harvey asks on his ebay auctions! Those models are for sale and they do sell. You are obviously directly involved in this decal fakery if you know exactly which models and decals were used and how many did or didn't sell. I can't think of any responsible collectors who would do such a thing, I can think of plenty of fakers and fraudsters who not only do this sort of thing but profit from these fakes all the time.
scmcollection wrote: Lastly, I feel it’s worth mentioning the Muir Hill 2-C as more confusion & incorrect facts are quoted above. Alan Lee found the still sealed box of 72 at auction, it was marked “Special” so clearly its contents were known to be different from the norm by someone. The Muir Hill dumper was known amongst collectors in the north of England back in the late 1960s early 1970s prior to Alan Lees sealed case discovery. Some of which came into collectors hands via a Muir Hill rep, one of those collectors (based not far from Halifax) still has the business card of the sales rep that gave it to him, he had saved it with the toy for posterity.
That first case you mention was an "attic find" and only confirms the info I reported. As to how many trickled out to collectors before the first case showed up, who knows, but I'm sure a few did. So your rehash of the 2c Muir Hill brings nothing new to the fray and is worthless for your defense.
Put up or shut up! Even if you do, it's no redemption for your crime.