Superkings - Am I the only fan here?

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Re: Superkings - Am I the only fan here?

Post by Ewan »

Now that we have (once again) completely derailed this thread from it's original purpose I may as well keep going :D

I've just remembered that the last AllAgro in this part of the world was one of the upmarket Vanden Plas models. Now that really should make it into anyone's Top 10 Ugliest Cars list. How much beer must you consume before you think it's a good idea to get a rounded, dumpy, already ugly car and 'bling it up' by fitting an enormous square chrome radiator grille? Then to top it off, this particular example was finished off in a fetching shade of 'Dark Jobby Brown'. At least it had fold down picnic tables built into the back of the front seats so one wouldn't starve whilst waiting for the nice RAC man to take you home again.

Can you imagine if BL had got their hands on Rolls Royce, there would have been all these Allegros and Maxis wobbling around with big grilles and mascots. Wonder what they'd have called them - The Silver S**t maybe.
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Re: Superkings - Am I the only fan here?


Hello Ewan, I would love to take you down the BL/Rolls-Royce collaboration path in detail, but it would take too long and I am not sure this is the place to do it!

What I will say, is that Land Rover, Vanden Plas and Austin Healey vehicles all had close cooperation projects with Rolls-Royce. They even used an Austin 1800 'Land Crab' body-shell for experimenting with a small Bentley and several cars were planned based on BL medium-executive sized cars for a range of 'economy' Rolls-Royce cars.

So there you go!

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Re: Superkings - Am I the only fan here?

Post by kbean63 »

Well, back to your original question, I checked out your link and the DAF truck is pretty cool but I particularly like the Muir Hill 161 Tractor.
p.s. the Leave It To Beaver car with the square wheel appears to be the 1960 Plymouth Belvedere, an eyesore in it's own right but sexier by far than the Allegro.
p.p.s. I've come close to aquiring the K-11 DAF Car Transporter on several occasions. It's possibly my fave Super King.
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Re: Superkings - Am I the only fan here?

Post by Ewan »

kbean63 wrote:Well, back to your original question, I checked out your link and the DAF truck is pretty cool but I particularly like the Muir Hill 161 Tractor.
p.s. the Leave It To Beaver car with the square wheel appears to be the 1960 Plymouth Belvedere, an eyesore in it's own right but sexier by far than the Allegro.
p.p.s. I've come close to aquiring the K-11 DAF Car Transporter on several occasions. It's possibly my fave Super King.
I do like the DAFs also - if I ever work my way through the Scammells, Bedfords, Leylands and Fords I suspect they'll be next on the list.
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Re: Superkings - Am I the only fan here?

Post by matchbox360 »

Ewan wrote:We shouldn't really be so harsh, the poor designers were just going with the flow...
Yeah, maybe I was a bit harsh, but you've got to remember.. we the public have to put up with the results of their 'great ideas'! That's why, when you look at the evolution of car designs from the 60s/70s, you see how much designers have lost their way. Back then, cars looked like cars, had character and strived to be unique... nowadays, the 'designers' are mostly just bandwagon-jumpers, with barely an original, workable concept in their heads. A 'follow the herd' mentality predominates, which is a shame.

As for the Fryer, I did exaggerate a bit about its hideousness, but honestly, what were they thinking? What were they ON?? Were psychedelic fumes wafting in from the assembly line downstairs? I've got used to these bizarre SF creations by now, and almost have a sentimental 'soft spot' for them. I think the Fryer might actually be improved by adding a freaky driver, in a 'KISS' rocker's costume, to fill its empty yellow seat! Might as well go all the way in outrageousness, huh?

Anyway, enough from me.. I'll let you guys get back on topic Image

Cheers, Ken
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Re: Superkings - Am I the only fan here?

Post by Ewan »

Don't worry Ken - we'll be off on another tangent soon enough just as soon as Ghosty and Motorman turn up :o
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Re: Superkings - Am I the only fan here?


Right, where was we! oh yes, British Leyland cars disguised as baby Rolls-Royce cars.......nice to get back on topic isn't it! any takers?

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Re: Superkings - Am I the only fan here?

Post by motorman »

I always had a soft spot for the Austin Maxi.......It had a great design features, including a rear seat the folded down to create a Double bed!!!

So nice of the Designers to think about all us hot blooded males, trying to impress our lady friends.

What more could you ask for than a portable bedroom. I paid for an extra modification and had the roof lining mirrored!!!

The Chicks loved it!!!! ... x=94&ty=73

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Re: Superkings - Am I the only fan here?


motorman wrote:I always had a soft spot for the Austin Maxi.......It had a great design features, including a rear seat the folded down to create a Double bed!!!

So nice of the Designers to think about all us hot blooded males, trying to impress our lady friends.

What more could you ask for than a portable bedroom. I paid for an extra modification and had the roof lining mirrored!!!

The Chicks loved it!!!! ... x=94&ty=73
WOW! The Ladieees must have been impressed with seeing Motorman roll up in those wheels, I would be and I am not a Lady, I only wear dresses due to a slight mental disorder...
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Re: Superkings - Am I the only fan here?

Post by A-Man-Called-Bwian »

Sorry to be 7 years late to the party but hey ho!....

I only started collecting a couple of years ago because I saw a super kings K-16 Dodge tractor and trailer truck at a boot sale that I used to have as a kid so I went on eBay and bought one. Costly mistake! I didn’t like the weak axles on the super kings and hadn’t realised the precursors were kingsize and their precursors were majors. So, after 2 years or so have all the majors and all the kingsize with both metal and red wheels plus some other variations. Then I bought all the 1-75 regular wheel cars to go on the transporters. Then I made a quarry/car park / scrap yard scene to display them. I’ve got no room to display them now so they are all in a big box in the garage.
All my collection is absolutely mint, sage and onion condition