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Re: My latest news

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:45 pm
by MBXPilot
Nice lot there! That Taunus looks pretty neat.

What is this end of the year poll you all are talking about? Pardon my ignorance.

Re: My latest news

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:58 pm
This is what we do at the end of the Year.

Welcome to this year’s “Finds of the Year” competition! Please read the following before entering.
• There will be four categories:
- Lesney pre-SF (i.e. pre-1970 incl. pre-Matchbox)
- Lesney post-RW (i.e. post-1969)
- Non-Lesney pre-1970 (i.e. no low-friction wheels)
- Non-Lesney post-1969 (i.e. no models subsequently converted to low-friction wheels)
• You may nominate only one model per category.
• You may add a single paragraph of text explaining why the model is so desirable. (I think this is probably a must for the non-Lesney items,)
• Nominating more than one model per category will result in none of the nominations being considered. However, the mistake will be pointed out (publicly) and you will be invited to choose a single model.
• Each nomination must be accompanied by at least one photograph of the model in question.
• Not all categories need be entered.
• Nominations will open on 1st December and close on 18th December.
• The lists of nominations in each category will be prepared by myself over the weekend of 19/20 December.
• The valid nominations will posted to the topic as four separate lists: one for each category.
• Voting is based on the criterion “The model I would most like to add to my collection”.
• Voting will take place from 20th December to 31st December.
• One vote/member/category.
• Voting will be on an honesty basis and will entail members copying the most recent version of the relevant list and adding one to the score of one of the models.
• No prizes except for being able to go into 2016 feeling rather smug in the knowledge that you've got something that (almost) everyone else wants!
• Sanity clause: there ain't no sanity claus!
• One final point, and that is a request rather than a rule: our non-Matchbox collecting friends on the Forum put up with an awful lot of (for them) irrelevant and probably uninteresting discussions of seemingly obscure and unimportant details by the rest of us. So, when voting in one of the Lesney categories, please also try to cast a vote in the equivalent non-Lesney category as well.
There should be another one at the end of this Year with a new Customs and Restorations section.


Re: My latest news

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:03 pm
by johnboy
Will there be a customs/resto category this year?

Re: My latest news

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:31 pm
by fixer
yes JB, Ghosty has already answered this at the bottom of his last post I think you missed it :)

Re: My latest news

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:47 pm
by Malibu
Today I can show you this DAF girder truck loaded with a 12-cylinder marine diesel on it´s way to a shipyard.
Tinman made this color variation a few weeks ago and I had to have one too because I like it very much.
(c) Malibu
(c) Malibu
DAF_1.JPG (35.49 KiB) Viewed 384 times
(c) Malibu
(c) Malibu
DAF_2.JPG (34 KiB) Viewed 384 times

Re: My latest news

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 8:49 pm
Now that is brilliant and a lovely colour for the truck. I can just see this in one of the pocket catalogues as a genuine Lesney release, if only they had diversified a bit more with different loads.


Re: My latest news

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 9:00 pm
by Squid
Where did you find that marine engine? That's a great idea for trucks that are missing their original cargo!

Re: My latest news

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 6:22 am
by Malibu
Squid wrote:Where did you find that marine engine?
I received it at the Nürnberg toy fair last saturday.
It is amazing what today could be done by 3D-printing.
The part is avaiable at Conrad electronics ... 00455.html

Re: My latest news

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:36 am
by Squid
I might have to pay to have one 3-D printed, as I am expecting a cargo-less 60B to arrive at any time. Thanks for sharing!

Re: My latest news

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:27 pm
by Malibu
I try to find the code of this 27c.
The Roof looks more cream than pink to me.
What do you think?
(c) Malibu
(c) Malibu
27c.JPG (58.42 KiB) Viewed 334 times